Tuesday, 16 December 2008

Stephen Powell

There is another friend who wrote to me this morning and he has informed me that he is still busy preparing the draft for his book. I wish him well in his endevours.


Anonymous said...

Yes Maria,
I too wish Steve well, I can only imagine (as I have never written a book) that it must take a lot of patience and time to put all the bits together in a readable flowing form.
I am really looking forward to reading it, I know he will do a good job of it.

Maria said...

Judging by the little I have seen, it is promising to be fun and entertaining too. Yes, it must take a lot of work and perseverance. I do know people who do have a writing talent yet they have not written a single book in their entire lives, so I do admire Stephen in having persevered in seeing this project through in what at times seemed like a frustrating, annoying and thankless task. When his final draft hits the printing machine Peter and I will open a bottle of wine and toast his feat !