Thursday, 18 December 2008

To announce Douglas Baxter has joined the blog.

Hi Dougie ! Dear friend, it is great news to announce your coming to this blog. As the saying says... when one door shuts... 100 doors will open ! The way I have announced it, it is as though I am announcing the coming of the Messiah ! I am very happy to have you here and hear your unique points of view which are always vivid, funny and colourful. You were just too damn happy and carefree for that other unmentionable blasted site, where laughter was frawn upon and dissent was punishable with expulsion. Although in my particular case, it had to do with posting these flower pictures you see here. As soon as I got a compliment these, naturally had to go and quite suddenly afterwards Stephen Ryder announced that it would be Ripper related pictures even though as you quite rightly point out, there are non-Ripper related pictures before and after my flower pictures were deleted. Then I expressed the opinion that Ally had deleted them because she was jealous of the attention I was getting. Then Stephen Ryder wrote me a Private Message accusing me of liabelling his lover and told me he as closing my account for two weeks. I wrote him back a private message telling him where he could put his site and also his lover and it came as no surprise to me that shortly after that, my vanishment had been made permanent. Then I thought if I am in a stupid site where posting flowers at the behest of other is punishable with a two week expulsion, I really don't want to be there and open up a blog where I can publish all the pictures I want, plus talk about Art and life instead of murders the whole time. The reason why I stayed there was because from time to time they mention a distant relative of mine, Sir Bernard Spilsbury who was the precursor of Forensic Medicine. His discoveries about how you can tell the difference when a body found inside a swimming pool has been a drowning or whether the body had suffered an extrangulation its what makes the difference between a murder or an accident.


Robert said...

Hi Dougie

As Monty Python would say : you're not the Messiah, you're a very naughty boy.


dougie said...

well robert,
A messiah? methinks im anything but that...naughty boy IS probabley more appropriate methinks....Are you a monty python fan?I loved the "life of brian" watched it many times..but do you remember the storm that arose around it when it was released? cries of heresy, blasphemy and a lot more besides..a bit like casebook on a good day lol. ....I wonder what would have happened today if the monty python team made a similar film about islam. I guess the python crew would have ended up in prison.....or worse.
But on a more serious note maybe if everyone took a look at themselves,....individuals,governments,popes,vicars,religious leaders, socialists,capitalists transvestites,brown hatters etc....and recognised how utterly ridicolous the whole human race is,and laughed out loud at that fact,maybe most of the worlds problems might be overcome......more to the point ,why do i write this sh....
cos im bored i guess...ho hum....monty rules ok?...ok!

Robert said...

Hi Dougie

Well, the politicians have always been frightened of laughter. Most religions too, though the Jews aren't afraid of putting in some good jokes in their religious writings.

The thing is, you can laugh at something and take it seriously at the same time. In fact, it's almost the case that the more seriously you take it, the more you have to laugh at it.

Maria said...

Dougie and Robert:

Yes, it is funny how humour works. But commenting about what you say Dougie concerning making jokes about Islam can cost a Fatwa on anyone's life ! I think the key is to respect one another in order to live in peace. I understand that the Muslims have never accepted figurative representations of God, as we do; this is why their Mosques never had paintings like the Sistine Chapel, instead, they created an art based in geometry and mathematics.

Not long ago, an English mathematician in the 1960's claimed to have discovered a geometrical shape that bears his name, yet, this shape already existed in one of the Islamic mosques and it represents infinity, since you can carry on joining other geometrical figures to it, without repeating itself for ever, and such a figure had been in that Islamic mosque many centuries before the Englishman claimed to have discovered it. It was a separate discovery, but it just goes to show, that it had already been worked out before