Friday, 8 May 2009


We are heading to Edinburg, Scotland on business tomorrow. So on Sunday, I will have a chance to see their National Gallery. I am looking forward to being there, as it has been several years now since we last visited Edinburg . It will be a flash visit but I will be back on Tuesday. I have to devise a way to write on this blog whilst I am away. I couldn't get access from my lap-top. Take lots of care and have a great weekend everyone.


Anonymous said...

Have a great time in Scotland Maria, and a successful business trip .. enjoy the National Gallery.
Take care 'see' you next week!

Robert said...

Enjoy your trip, Maria. I once toyed with the idea of buying a veggie haggis I saw in a shop, but it looked so complicated to cook, I decided against it.

Maria said...

Thank you for the kind wishes. What on earth are veggie haggis ?
you take care and 'see' you soon.

Robert said...

Maria, it's this :
probably anathema to the Scots