Wednesday, 6 May 2009

New Jack the ripper book

So what happened to the maxim: ' Never Judge A Book By Its Cover ' ? It seems to me that the established ripper authors are trying to ban a book not for its content but are just judging it for its cover. Pathetic ! and nothing, absolutely nothing that happens at Nut-casebook surprises me anymore. If you are not in their tiny little club, then they will make sure their lobby of a few little number of people will try to make sure your new book does not have good reviews in the hope that the new author will go away and they will be the only people in the market.

Once, the author Stewart P. Evans one of the ripper authors asked me when will it all end ? When will people stop writing more books about Jack the ripper ? and I replied to him, so long as it remains a mystery, there will be more people writing books theorising who did it and you will just have to put up with it. They wish their theories alone are the ones that stand and they do not want any competing books who tell another story other than the one they have already written. It is not good for their sales which is the only thing they are interested in.

Attacking a book for its cover shows how narrow minded these people are. Specially on a photo which has been circulated on the internet over and over again. That is very petty.


dougie said...

Hi Maria,
You should read the silly comments on the forums about the really should! Its an absolute education.It seems that "ripperworld" has suddenly become the "arbiter of good taste"..laughable really isnt it? For individuals who every day of each and every week,of each and every month,of each and every year meet to dicuss the depth,length ,width of stab much blood would have seeped from the wounds-where the victims intestines were placed etc etc ad, accuse others of bad taste and pornography peddling.God almighty ! there have even been threads discussing whether or not mary kelly shaved her pubic area!It really is a hoot!
At present there are probabley 100s of letters in the mail....eagerly trying to be the first in line to drop on the doormat of each and every judge,book publisher,government minister...maybe even the bloody queen might get a copy!One poster even says he wants to shoot the Author!How ridicolous can you get? Id imagine this whole issue has a lot of mileage left in it yet Maria,once the idiocy lingers long.
As I myself posted its less to do with any pornographic issue,in my opinion ,and more to do with outsiders poaching on the "territory of the anointed".
The photo ,if its pornographic-if its obscene..then its all of those things ,be it on the cover -or be it on an inside wont be able to get that message thro im afraid.....If people -in our sorry and sad world of today, cant find ,with all the worlds troubles something worthwhile to protest about,other than a silly bloody book cover,on a subject that most likely 0.00001% of the population know about-and care even less about,then my opinion is these muppets have very little to do with their time.Maybe in the future someone might collect these "letters of protest"...pile them high ,and make a monument out of them....a monument to idiocy and a testament to the "cult of self importance"
It was the last straw for me....the silliness just got too much.
Maybe the answer is to build more assylums?
I could say more,much much more in fact..but ....

Robert said...

Hi Dougie

Well, I don't like it. Not that that matters. One can't go through life liking everything and being happy all the time. Nevertheless, since I don't like it, it would be silly of me to say that I did.

Maria said...


Okay. I have just read it and it seems to me odder that someone like Stewart Evans is recommending a book he has never read ! How can anyone recommend a book they have never read ? Only if they have something in it, that is the answer Dougie. Casebook is nothing but a site for the few old authors. If you are not one of them, then, you are not part of the club and if you dissent, then your opinions will be deleted. The funny thing is, they should know that the most important opinion, is that of someone who is not an author, since that is the real public and the ones who are going to buy their books. But this simple logic doesn't seem to count by the looks of it, when it comes to greeting a new unwanted author among them. And you are right. These people have romantised Jack the ripper to such an extent, that they forget the horrible, terrible, murders of desfigurement inflicted on women, they forget that. they do gloss it up. No one can gloss up something so utterly sick like an act of a maniac, who did this. Dougie, I told you so, this is Nutcase-book these people are sick themselves to be wanting to hear day after day, year after year, endlessly talking about these murders, the depth of wounds in every precise detail etc. they even got a pathologist in one of their conventions to show them the full gory details in every wound ! I walked out in disgust and there has to be something wrong with their brains. You can know about it, but revolving all your entire life like your personal relationships and friends around this gory crime, has only one name: is sick !

Maria said...


One give away is that they talk about not liking the " Art " work. Finally, this is not suppose to be art. A horrifying murder like this cannot ever be described as art. Here we have a new author who is presenting the case for what it really is. A murder. Plain and simple. It is a grainy black and white picture of murdered woman, the only one that exists of that unfortunate woman. You cannot distinguish the sheets from the disfigured body of this woman ( Mary Kelly ) how can that remotely be considered " pornographic " is beyond me... that a man can be turned on sexually by looking at a dead corpse is just sick. It shows the kind of people who live in that site.

Anonymous said...

I never fail to smile when I 'hear' Maria say Nutcasebook .. it really is a funny place at times.
I totally agree Maria that the picture is not pornographic, nor is it obscene .. how could it be any of those things. It is a picture of a murdered person, that's it .. it's just a question of taste, what you do with it.
And yes Maria, when you said you can know about it, but revolving your whole life around it is 'sick' .. I agree. One does not have to live in the gutter, put your mind in a better place.
Dougie, I like that poem that you mentioned before, 'Leisure' .. the last line goes 'A poor life this if, full of care, we have no time to stand and stare.'
We are so caught up in the goings on in our mind, living in the past and future .. instead of being now and seeing what is in front of us.

dougie said...

Ive no issue with you or anyone else not liking the photo...after all what is there TO like about it? But surely the act of putting said photo inside the book(instead of on the cover) doesnt transform an indecent photo inro a decent one?
Methinks the issue consists of one of two things...either the resident muppets on the 2 forums who doth protest so much are actually promoting the book,and using "reverse psychology" to acheive that goal ..or...the beast has suddenly realised how ugly it really is,and is trying unsuccessfully to redeem itself....a third possibilty of course is that they are all stark staring raving bonkers!.....Its a classic case of sheer hypocrisy....furthermore when one forum refuses to allow anyone to put forward the alternative view (i.e deleting opposite viewpoints),merely telling those with the opposite view to "go post somewhere else",its plain there is more to it than meets the eye.
Victoria...if you think there are strange goings on on casebook,i suggest you might visit the "other" site" where casebook cant be mentioned on pain of being banned....political discussions arent allowed...the word "drooling" is taboo...the "banned topic list" lengthens every day.....Apparently the word Forum is assuming another meaning.....
Glad you like the poem Victoria,it (the poem) says much about us......W.h.D avies wrote it ,as you prob aware, ever read his auto biography.."autobiography of a supertramp"? ....marvelous work.
I didnt know about the pathologist invited to the ripper conference....what can one say? other than "sillier and sillier"......Anyway I left the jtr assylum,i escaped by hiding in the laundry basket.....i feel rather sorry for those left behind...there are a few decent people on there,who could add much,but mostly they keep quiet in the interests of maintaing the stuffy consensus and of course the status quo. Mutual back slapping and head nodding is the order of the day im afraid,in the main....tis a pity.

Maria said...

Well the JTR Forums is run like a fiefdom ! there is no freedom of speech and you have to agree with the owner even if you don't. Howard is very inmature.

Victoria, I see that on another thread they are critising Stephen about his choice of publisher ! I mean, again its not about content as no one has read Stephen's book, so they pick on his choice of publisher, do you see how superficial they really are ? They don't like newcomers that's quite obvious.
Yes, I do like that poem very much too. It used to be read on a holiday advert on television and I always liked to watch the advert because of that poem.
Whilst in Ireland, we also stayed at another place that had horse-back riding, a lake, and many other activities but sadly, as we were on business and not on a holiday, we could not take advantage of the rowing in the lake and the many other amenities they had on offer. As the evenings are now late, I did go for walks in the evenings around the beautiful gardens at Mount View in Longford and it was just so nice, to see the pink cherry trees blossoming against a blue sky and the bumble bees buzzing from flower to flower.

Anonymous said...

I thought you may have been having me on with 'Autobiography of a Supertramp' ..sounded so strange, I didn't know of it, the first thing that came to my mind when I read your words were 'autobiography of a Yogi' about Paramahansa Yogananda or that group 'Supertramp'.
Anyway I googled it .. sounds interesting, I know nothing about Davies or his work, only of that poem.
Gosh that other site, I presume you mean JTR Forums sounds like a communist colony, think I will steer clear of it. As it is I am spending too much time on this computer.
Glad your escape plan went to plan, not very original though dougie .. methinks you watch too many movies!

dougie said...

The book "supertramp" is very simply written...Davies was a vagrant in his early years...stowed away on a ship to america...rode the rails from coast to coast....fell off a train ewhen pursued by a guard,lost part of his leg because of it,has many adventures, experiences much poverty,tells how he learnt the trade of "begging" and how he put those skills into practice. After some years he came back to britain,led the same life here,published a book of his own poems and hawked them round to get known....he was an alcoholic,a frequenter of prostitutes etc etc...The book is a playground of adventure,humour,pathos,and tragedy.But its his manner which comes across most,no false heroics,no egotism,he speaks for example of his train ""accident" and the loss of a limb almost in the same manner that one might talk of losing an earring or a 5 penny piece. The book kinda drags you along....give it a try you wont be dissapointed im sure.
Methinks you made right decision about jtr forums victoria.....theres no room for independent thought there.
The "laundry basket escape route" might not be very original or very comfortable either lol...the only thing i can say really is "Yes it hurt!- but Yes it worked!"
As martin luther king said (i believe)
Free at last!
Free at last!
Thank effing christ
Im free at last!
take care victoria

dougie said...

Here is another bit of character assassination forwarded to me....

God, mentioning Adrian Paul Webb and that Dougie character on my Facebook account. Shame on you.

Webb got so deeply unpleasant because I didn't give it to the community right away, because he didn't find it and because I got some appreciation over it - all things he hates. Before Dutfieldgate he thought the sun shone out of my arse. His ... Read morereasoning got so desperate and ludicrous in the end I just let him dig his own brandy-soaked grave, which he did with aplomb. No one but his performing monkey Norma admired him for it and many previously impartial people remember what happened.

'Dougie' is just an unpleasant troll with some very dubious and fairly offensive views shared by many as challenged as he.

No idea who paul webb is....but the beat goes on.....

dougie said...

Guess who the author is....a clue....self opinionated, superior,holier than thou....know all-know nothing..... a SHAM giant worshipped by REAL pygmies...........he he he

Maria said...

Hi Dougie,

If its any consolation to you, I have rejected four invitations to Facebook or whatever it is. Let's face it. You have an independent and unique mind, you are not made to follow the herd like a sheep. Your thoughts are original and you cannot be tamed like a little dog to follow the clique. I am the same, so I have my own blog, this way, I do not have to conform to what other people want me to think. If they cannot accept you the way you are. Tough ! I will tell you what happened to me today. We went to our usual restaurant where we normally go to, but this time, we were told, that unless we had a reservation we could not have a table. I know for a fact, that their policy is " no reservations " I said to the girl that there were empty tables as people were leaving them, she said " come back in half an hour " I insisted: " Why would I have to come back in half an hour when you have four empty tables plus a full empty room upstairs ? What kind of business are running here ? where you are turning down clients at the door ? When she told me again to come back in half an hour, instead of doing that, I walked towards a table and sat at one of the empty tables then the next thing I know, is that she went out to tell Peter to come back inside the restaurant because the table issue had been sorted out. I was waited on by four waiters and got an excellent service the way I had never got in that restaurant before. Peter was very admiring of me. The others... the ones with the sheep mentality and who were turned down at the door, the ones who accepted it and obeyed their marching orders are probably still outside, waiting to get a table there. We were called " The Twins " by that foul mouth Ally-gator remember ? You are not alone. Their loss is my gain Dougie. I do welcome you with open arms here, where your comments are not going to be deleted if they differ from mine. Promise !

Robert said...

Maria, congratulations on getting your restaurant table. Speaking for myself, the fact that they won't allow smoking any more makes me all the more keen to stay out of these places. Hee, hee.

Besides, if I don't feel like cooking I can get sausage in batter and chips for just over £2 from the local chippie.

I must explain to Victoria and Dougie that Maria has been urging me to eat more healthily, and it's worked up to a point, because I have cut down on the fried stuff - but not totally.

dougie said...

That kind iof thing doesnt bother would bother me though if i was ever accepted by that thing that interests me did i get connected to a paul webb? never heard of him.....hutchinson wrote it by the way,so its of very little importance.........quite funny actually ,a friend told me that all these ripperologists got viruses thro their facebook accounts......And before you it wasnt me,i wouldnt know how to....but its hilarious..couldnt feel sorry for them if i tried.
Was the restraurant incident in edinburgh by the way?Sometimes you have to act in that way..cos you are paying for a service ,so it better be good.
I took literally hundreds of fotos last time i was in edinburgh,my batteries went flat when i attended the tattoo tho ,which was the main thing i wanted to get photos of..thats life i suppose......
you are a smoker too? some try to make smokers feel like lepers...its not good fer u i guess,but years ago everyone used to smoke,women smoked pipes in a lot of cases and there wasnt the amount of cancer around then ,than there is today. smoking,fried food,none of these things are good for you its true...but then what is? living,whether healthily or unhealthily kills us all in the end.But if marias giving you this advice,better heed it ,cos women are usually right about these things..its why they got a longer average life span......

Robert said...

Dougie, yes, women have a knack of being right, sometimes 40 years in advance. Not quite sure how they do it.

Anonymous said...

'Supertramp' does sound quite interesting .. especially as you say he has written it 'matter of fact', type of thing .. no egotism, and what an interesting and colourful life he has led. I shall put it on my list and look out for the book. At the moment I am reading 'Shackleton's Boat Journey' by Frank Worsley who was the Captain of the ship 'Endurance'. He too has good writing skills, writes with no heroics, and has a nice common touch.
I'm glad that you are 'free' from both the communist state and Maria's 'nutcasebook' .. the pain of the escape will soon fade with your newfound freedom!
I am now so curious, I may have to sneak a look from under the laundry basket lid .. to see what goes on with my own eyes. I will stay in the laundry basket of course .. do not want to be trapped there, nutcasebook is more than enough. I shall plan my escape from 'there' hopefully in the not too distant future, probably in that laundry basket .. it's the tried and trusted reliable way, even if it is not so original!
when I read your 'battered sausage and chips'.. and remembered your 'chocoholic' status with Quality Street, I was concerned until I read that Maria is encouraging you in the right direction .. it really is all just a matter of habit, and balance of course .. everything in moderation is ok I feel, we all need our chocolate.

Robert said...

Healthy living has its pitfalls though, Victoria. I mean, what could be healthier than eggs? But you told me I shouldn't eat three a day.

Maria said...

Hi you all.
Well, I have tell you that it is bad news for smokers on the train. Someone was caught smoking on a non-smoking carriage and the train driver announced through the tanner that the person who was smoking in the toilet was going to be ejected on the following station from the train and he certainly was ! Then, two fellows came into the first class compartment saying to each other: " The train is empty, no one is going to notice " a few minutes later, the ticket inspector did notice their tickets were not first class and they too were sent back to the other side of the train ! Its amazing what you see whilst you travel. Luckily Peter and I have just returned with both of our legs ! Dougie, that restaurant was in Shrewsbury on our way to Chester to catch the train to Edinburgh.

Robert said...

Hi Maria

Are there any smoking carriages at all on trains now? I thought the health fascists had banned them all.

You'd never think this country won two world wars on Woodbines. Thankfully such foolishness is now in the past, and our new, healthier country is in ideal position to win the world tiddleywinks championship in 2019.

Did you know that there used to be first and second class compartments on the London Underground - and even third I think. I'm told that on the Metro in Paris they still have first and second.

dougie said...

Full book in pdf format here,i cant post the link for some reason,but this is the address..hope it works for you

Maria said...

Robert, no there aren't any smoker carriages any more, so you will just have to walk beside the railway line. I think that the system of first, second and third class, still exists today in Mexico. On third class, you travel with the chickens ! Its really not too bad. I went in one of those, one time on a case to San Miguel El Alto and the people were very kind I was even offered sweets in the journey and chatted with a lovely lady who I noticed kept watching at a red light on the driver's seat and when I enquired why she looked so scared about this, she told me that the light and the alarm we could hear, meant that the bus driver was exceeding the speed limit and she also told me that often these buses had races with each other and on that particular service called " Las Dos Flechas " ( The Two Arrows ) the bus service had had far too many fatal accidents over the past few years, that it had been affectionately dubbed by the public: " The Two Arrows of Death " and the red alarms had been installed by the owners in an effort to stop the buses from exceeding the speed limit, but the alarm bells blared throughout the entire trip ! regardless.

Robert said...

Blimey, it's hard for me to visualise buses going at anything less than snail's pace. I am now imagining a Wacky Races situation where the drivers play dirty tricks on each other, releasing oil slicks behind them or having machine guns in their radiators to shoot the tyres of the bus in front.

Well, at least in Mexico the passengers get there on time - IF they get there.....

Maria said...

Hi Robert, Dougie & Victoria, The buses get there before the schedule time, sometimes to the cemetery. Very helpfully the lady told me that if you buy a bus ticket with The Two Arrows and you die, then, there is an insurance who will pay your relatives. You have to live it to experience it. These drivers go at full speed on hair pin curves and they feel like gladiators behind the wheel, luckily we did not have other passengers egging them on to go faster. Dougie, there is a story on the newspaper about abusive messages to a 12 year old victim of Facebook. Within hours of being diagnosed with swine flu, a schoolgirl, Phoebe Wyburd began to receive a string of messages, one of which said: " You will die " The 12 year old also and abusive postings on Facebook. Her father said that there were some quite aggresive parents saying: " None of you should be allowed out " apart from getting viruses at Facebook, I have heard of people having had their bank accounts wiped out, because fraudsters are also there and have gotten the particulars of people from that website which has enabled them to get sensitive data, like your date of birth and address or whatever it is that they need to get into someone else's bank account. So aren't you glad you are not in there either ?

Anonymous said...

Good evening to all ..
dougie, thank you very much for that .. I am so amazed with this cyberspace technology. I don't have to buy the book or even go to a library, the copy that I am viewing is a very nice early edition!
I have read the preface by George Bernard Shaw, and am now ready to start on chapter one .. looking forward to it. I also found a copy of his book of poems, 'A Soul's Destroyer' so will have a look at that as well.
"I mean, what could be healthier than eggs?" Plenty of things, especially lots of fresh fruit and vegetables. Did I really say that you shouldn't eat three a day? Sounds a lot every day to me, good protein but it is the cholesterol in the yolks that could be the problem. But they are preferable to your battered sausage and chips!
First, second and third class? carriages on the underground .. would that have still been around about in the 50's? I think I vaguely remember it being the same here as well.
Maria that sounds like a bus trip you will never forget.

Robert said...

I don't have the time to go on Facebook - I'm too busy having my moat cleaned out.

I don't know precisely when the class system was abolished on the Metropolitan Line. I once read books on all the underground lines, but naturally have forgotten a lot of it. One thing I do remember is, when the first escalator was installed they hired a man with a wooden leg to ride up and down it all day, to show the public it was safe.

Anonymous said...

So ... Robert must live in a castle? which has a moat, the servants must not be good cooks though if he has to go out to the local chip shop ...
dougie, Maria sent me the link thank you, I now have two versions of the book to choose from.

Maria said...

Victoria, You are quite right, that was quite a memorable bus trip I had, and also, the town I visited. San Miguel El Alto, was up on the hills and I was struck by its beauty. All the buildings were made of lilac colour stone, I had never seen anything like it before. The hotel I stayed at, was an hacienda, with stone arches in the Spanish style and the heirs had lots of caged birds in their cout-yards and also colourful macaws, so there was this natural orchestra of birds singing throughout the whole interview. The town had cobbled roads, and I saw little girls going to mass had their heads covered with white mantillas whilst their mother's wore black ones, on their way to church every day at the same time. A very Catholic and devoted town. One of the passengers helped me with my luggage all the way to the Hacienda where I stayed at. You do not find that kind of friendship towards a foreigner in Britain as you do in Mexico. People make sure you feel welcomed and happy. It doesn't matter if its a bus full of baskets with chickens in it. I did have a wonderful and unusual time which I will never forget.

Robert said...

Victoria, I don't actually have a castle. I've put in a claim to have one installed.

As for the moat, my moat comprises the North Sea, the English Channel and the Atlantic Ocean. I reckon it will cost quite a few billions to clean those out.

I'm expecting a cheque for that very shortly now.

dougie said...

I think the "expense accounts" these MPs have access to would BUY you a castle,not merely clean the moat out.Id imagine in any other situation the police would be interviewing ALL the wrongdoers now,and arranging cells for them.Wasnt it oddly convenient that apparently Tony Blairs expenses details for the last few years of his "dictatorship" were "accidentally" put through the shredder recently.Isnt life full of surprises?Is there any faint hope that we might get even a faint whiff of honesty and decency in parliament sometime soon?I doubt anyone will be prosecuted,they all seem to have plenty of "wriggle room".
Glad the link of them actually only partially workscos the 1st 2 chapters are missing I believe,but the 2nd link is fine.2 other books he wrote..."later days" and "young emma"....but a 3rd "Johnny Walker "...avoid like the plague...its absolutely awful,you wouldnt think the same person wrote it.
......The most terrifying bus ride ,which was a coach ride actually,Ive ever experienced was some years ago in the Austrian tyrol..on the way to a place called Matrei am Brenner..mountains towering above-sheer drops below-sharp bends-howling winds-snow falling like pigeon droppings-and a driver who wore those silly leather shortsand a feathered cap,warbling away like a demented parakeet in German (or Austrian) with his right foot super-glued to the accelerator (Im assuming)....I genuinely thought my time had come,and judging by the deathly silence that descended upon all the coach passengers-so did they.....Ive never been on a coach since..neither do I intend to

Robert said...

Dougie, yes I'm not expecting any successful prosecutions. I'm not even expecting the new rules to be any fairer. Something will be slipped quietly in to make sure that our "representatives" can live in princely style.

The Press hasn't even touched on the communications allowance, the outside jobs and the bungs for asking questions and lobbying behind the scenes, the practice of employing relatives, the massive pensions, the Commons perks etc, etc, etc, let alone the Lords, the Euro MPs, the local councillors....

Maria said...

Dougie, that sounds quite terrifying too. That one reminds me of the road to Oaxaca, on every hair pin curb, there were about 20 different crosses for each person who died as their vehicles plunged down the precipice. My mother prayed her Ave Marias and ran out of prayers to say, as we drove through the Oaxaca curbs late at night. The last coach drive of that nature we had, was two years ago in Turkey, the coach seemed to be wider than the road ! on our way back, the driver turned the coach around and I swear, half of the back wheels were on the air where the precipice was. I looked at the tour guide, who told us: " do not worry ", he does this turn every day and we still haven't fallen down the cliff. I really have to admire how coach drivers, or for that matter, lorry drivers manage to turn around in places you would never think it possible for them to pass unscathed.

Victoria, about books. The latest technology has just been unveiled in London and it is an invention that its as revolutionary as the printing process was for books centuries ago. Its called the Blackwell Library where you can have any book you want printed in just five minutes. It prints 100 pages a minute and you have your book binded and its ready in just five minutes ! It is especially useful for books that are out of print. Apparently, you only just key in, the title and name of the author of the book you wish and this new machine does the rest. Isn't that wonderful ? I saw it in the Spanish news yesterday. This new machine its the first of its kind and its an English invention which will revolutionise the way libraries work in the future. I think its just fantastic !

Yes, Robert & Dougie we are witnessing another Bastille Day right now. I really think there will be heads that will roll this time. Did any of you watched Question Time with David Dimbleby one of the Members of Parliament was heckled. The British public is really angry and you could see people were seething and at times, they were laughing at them for their lame explanations.- All the political grandees have been shamed publicly and people will get their revenge soon when the three major parties will be voted out of power. There are rumors that a lot of people will be voting for the BNP. or even the Green Party rather than the usual three parties. The scandal is not going to go away. The most unprecedented case was the two peers who have been suspended out of parliament, this has not happened since 1640 when a peer was suspended during Cromwell times. They have been suspended for being caught on tape saying that they would change the laws to help two industries. Then, the other serious case is that MP who was claiming £16,000 expenses on a mortgage that he had already paid ! that is fraud and the police were waiting for him at his constituency home. About Anthony Bliar, that man should be charged with war crimes, be put in jail and have the key thrown away ! him and as well as his acomplice Gordon Brown who has. with his policies ruined the economy of this country. They should all go to jail.

Robert said...

Maria, I think the three major parties (but less so the Liberals, who haven't come out of it too badly) will be shattered at the Euro polls in three weeks time, but after that things will return to normal as far as voting is concerned. The British electorate is very well trained, and next year they will obediently toddle up the road to pick-a-crook. It's just that the turnout might be down.

The MPs are already talking about bringing in a private company to oversee their expenses. That means that the info would not be subject to the Freedom of Information Act.

Another question would be, who picks the private company? If it's the MPs who pick, then a company that was too hard on them would fear that its contract might not be renewed. So one can see a cosy little relationship developing there.

Maria said...

Robert, mmm... I think you have a very valid point there, very sad but true. There isn't anything wrong with he system, it is the people in Parliament who are the ones to blame and who have abused the system, because they never thought they would be caught. I think the Editor of the Daily Telegraph should be knighted for his services to the nation and for having had the courage to print all the expenses scandal. The Daily Mail had the same opportunity but instead of making it public, they sent the disk back to the government with all the information. It shows that the Daily Mail's editor is nothing but a wimp !

Maria said...

Robert, adding to what we have discussed here and looking at the Daily Telegraph web page, I noticed that the other idiot across the pond, one Barack Obama, who promised "transparency" on the torture scandal has made a U turn in not wanting to release the torture photos, the only thing is.. the images emerged from Australia yesterday on channel SBS anyway ! And the Daily Telegraph has shown them on their website too. Ha,ha,ha,ha. We are governed by a bunch of morons.

Robert said...

Ah Maria, well politicians will say anything to get elected. And once they're elected, their main aim is to get re-elected.

Often they only get elected because the alternative is judged to be even worse. Not a very good basis for an election.

dougie said...

I fear you are right about the "private company" being brought in to vet mps expenses being subject to "pressures".Maybe the culture of dishonesty is too deeply ingrained in all walks of life . I always thought we were a cut above America and their gangster dominated society.It seems we are not,and probabley never were in truth.I found Stephen Frys remarks concerning the "fiddles"..he seemed to think it was ok ,and nothing to make a big thing of.Maybe,in reality we are all the same,in our limited way...after all is "fiddling" an extra 5 minutes over and above our allotted tea break dishonest,and in fact a case of stealing from our employer? pocketing a biro from work....or half a dozen screws,or having a day off,pleading sickness,when in fact we just dont fancy going to work that day? O.k they are minor things compared to mps doings, but its all the same in principle isnt it? I suggest there are not many who would refuse a 99 inch plasma tv if there was a way of getting it for nothing. How many people who are smokers havent taken advantage of duty free cigs,drink or tobbacco brought in by professional smugglers?I have,but somehow never think of it as robbing the exchequer or the taxman or the country...which of course it is.The truth is we are ALL corrupt,but the majority of us never get the opportunity to gain very much.
As for the Dialy mail maria,I find Kenneth littlejohn and his column a refreshing change and a breath of fresh and large he has his finger on the pulse of reality,and for that reason,if no other I regularly buy it.
Im also a regular listener to The Michael Savage show on american radio...he tells it like it is I feel..and his reward is to be banned from Britain...amazing!Yet we let in all of these muslim toerags regardless of their terrorist associations.
As for the publishing-non publishing of torture photographs...why should they be published? why hand the muslims a propoganda ploy? Better still why not agree to publish those photos on the condition that photos of Al Quaeda atrocities are printed alongside then? If offered the choice of being beaten or having a hood put over my head (both of which id survive by the way)....or having to sit in a 40 story building while some bunch of maniacs flew a plane into it..I know which option Id go only complaint regarding the so called torture not that they have used torture on these individuals-but that they havent used it enough! If they had we might have been able to avoid several of the other atrocities that have been planned and executed by these worthless individuals..Your sympathies are with the wrong people Maria.

Robert said...

Hi Dougie

I dare say it's true that most people are not above a little fiddling. But MPs are quite rich enough already, and yet they want more. They are also in the position of telling us that we cannot have this life-saving drug, or that pension increase, etc, because "the country can't afford it." However the country can apparently afford moat-cleaning, plasma TVs, paynents for non-existent mortgages, delicate antiques and all the rest of it.

This whole thing highlights what I've always said : one of the principal reasons for the bad Governments that afflict this country is the fact that MPs live in a world of their own, unaffected by the consequences of the laws they make for the rest of us. The case of the minister who ponced off the taxpayer for private security after she was mugged is a perfect example. These pampered idiots wag their fingers and tell us that crime is falling and that fear of crime is all just hysteria whipped up by the "gutter Press" as they call it. Yeah, well, the nearest they get to crime is when they themselves commit it.

alane said...

Paul Adrian Webb is an unabashed alcoholic hamburger cook at a leased cafe on the beach at Havre Des Pas, St Helier, Jersey. He moves in with some gullible woman until she gets wise then has state assisted housing until he get another woman to buy his booze and be his stooge. He published one other book, "Vagabond" that's clearly written by a sociopath.