Friday, 10 July 2009
Received Letter from The Queen ( Part II )
On this chapter we are going to discuss what the Queen does, as that was not addressed in the previous monster long thread. Its amazing how the last thread developed into everything under the sun ! including Existencialism, Religion, the role of the Monarchy, Central America, World Empires, Philosophy, beggars in the streets etc. So here, there will be extra space to carry on answering all those thrilling questions that were left out of the ink bottle !
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Go ahead and talk about Victoria's religious ideas here. I said we could, after all, the blog is called All Subjects Under the Sun. I just had to continue it here as I do not have the time to scroll all those 66 posts and its shorter this way, to talk about the same subject as it just got just too long ! Its not an interruption is a continuation.
It is a pity you were unable to answer my question why can't the EU expand into Turkey? when 2000 years ago, the Roman Empire, without computers, telephones, radios and airplanes was able to do just that, with only just horses and carriages the Romans were able to conquer THREE Continents, past the Bosphoros, also Jerusalem in the Middle East and into Egypt and Lybia in Africa, which by the way.. has the best example of Roman mosaics in the world as they have been beautifully preserved. Could the answer be racism ?
Hi Maria
I'm afraid I don't follow. What's racism got to do with it?
Actually, this is a very fitting Blog to talk about the monarchy on, for since the Queen is monarch of about 50 different countries, she really does have all subjects under the sun!
Racism has to do with the fact that it was the Germans who have vehemently stopped Turkey from joining the EU on precisely those grounds, saying that Turkey doesn't have anything in common with Europe. Turkey participates in events like the Eurovision Song contest and many other events and it has been part of Europe for centuries but its well known the Germans are racists. The proof of the pudin is the killing of an Egyptian pregnant woman in a German court where she was stabbed 18 times no less, and none of the guards at the court did anything to stop the man from murdering her, her husband came to her rescue and he is now grave in hospital. The husband was studying Genetic Engineering at a prestigious German university and the couple were due to return to Egypt at the end of this year. The incident was hardly mentioned in German newspapers. But then what can we expect of the Germans who also gassed to death so many Jewish families in the infamous concentration camps. Also, most of the neo-cons in the U.S. who have provoked this invasion in the Middle East are from Germanic extraction, beasts like Ronald Rumsfeld and the other animals which names escape me. No. Actually that would be insulting animals, since some of them have better feelings than these abortions of nature.
Hi Maria
So let me see if I've got this right : you're happy for Britain to be a member of an organization whose strongest and most populous member (Germany) is, you say, racist?
Robert, If we have a shortage of doctors and the Germans can export theirs here for a while, yes. Equally, if the French cared to come and cook us their delicious meals, yes. There was a saying going on, that if the Germans could do the organization; The Italians were the lovers, the English were the policemen and the French were the chefs, then the EU would be a paradise !
On the other hand, it would be hell on earth, if the organization was left to the Italians, the cooking to the English, and the Policeman were the Germans !
See, we all have different fortes and weaknesses.
But Maria, you can have all this cultural borrowing and cross-fertilisation without erecting an EU superstate. In fact, an EU superstate is guaranteed (if they can get it to work) to make everyone the same. Isn't it better that each nation continues to excel in the things it does best, in its own genius, so to speak?
What you say depends... Perhaps you do not know the document that Queen Isabel La Catolica wrote, what she asked Christopher Columbus when he went on his voyage of discovery, this beautiful charter it is now considered the first document in human rights. In it, the Queen asks him to respect the customs and people they encounter but as we reality, it was exactly the opposite except that to their credit, the Spanish did mix with the different tribes and had families with them too. Whilst in the U.S. the Indians were virtually wiped out and the ones that were not killed, were thrown to live in reservations and way apart from the rest of the then..white population as if they were lepers. That is the difference.
The English traded on the sale of black slaves. Liverpool is a city that prospered and became rich through this despicable trade.
Maybe its human nature, where perhaps no country should prevail as a super-power, otherwise they feel they have the right to lord it over the other countries. If on the other hand, there is an equal status, then there isn't the possibility of being ran over by a stronger and more powerful country. On this principle the EU was born.
Robert, there is nothing wrong with cultural borrowing, in fact it enriches you.
On the contrary, it is wonderful to have different languages and customs, I don't think the Spanish would suddenly like to speak English as their main language nor the French speak English or German as their main language . You have been scared to death by the tabloids scaremongering scenarios, where they worry people with such silly tales. That is not going to happen.
The Spanish still want to retain the San Fermin bull run, even if a few get killed in the process. It has already started by the way, and one person has already died: he was a 26 year old man who was gored in the neck, his aorta was ripped away and he died right there on the spot. I saw the whole scene, it was shown on T.V. and I also saw how another man was gored in his inner leg as the bull lifted him up in the air; he fell on the pointy tip of the bull's horn and was waved around like a rag doll, I thought he was dead but he survived and is gravely ill in hospital. The Spanish still adore their bull-fights; it's part of their traditions and no one on earth will order them to stop doing them whether it's Brussels or whoever.
Maria, what I think you will find is that at some point there may be a move by a majority of the EU countries to outlaw bullfights. It might not happen, but it could. When that kind of thing happens, normally the country concerned is given a breathing space to prepare for the time when it "gets into line with the rest of the community," and so the leader of the country returns from a Euro conference "in triumph" having won a delay. But that's all it is - a delay. Another scenario might be that the country concerned makes a concession in some other field of policy as a quid pro quo for "permission" to carry on running things in its own way. Such tolerance won't of course last, and the country concerned will eventually be forced into line.
The EU is nothing more than a sausage machine designed to churn out little Europeans, and is exactly the kind of system I'd expect from a bunch of countries who until very recently had been living under fascist/Nazi/Communist dictatorships.
Remember, those who ever say "No" are simply asked again!
The spanish dealt in slavery too Maria,The spanish were even more savage towards the inhabitants of the countries they conquered than the nazis were.
Why should multiculturalism be inflicted on everyone?The public was never asked if they wanted it.So i presume it is imposed upon us for own good....I for one dont want the french muck that the french class as prefer the old fashioned non european standardised english style fish and chips....dont want german organisation either,neither do i want a european body telling me what i should eat (and how much) how big my carroots should be,who i should like-who i shouldnt like-what i should think and all rthe short i dont wish to be a non thinking automaton .I want a british govt that is less interested in the dump they call europe,and more inyterested in the dump called britain. I believe the majority of britain is heartily sick to death of brussels and all that that stagnant ,corrupt edifice stands for.Its about time the british reclaimed britain and stopped trying to import european customs and culture and fought tooth and nail to preserve our own.Britain survived the last world war and fought on while the rest of europe cravenly gave in to hitler and the nazis..imagine a similar situation today ,the europeans would surrender before the first shot was fired (we have allready seen how spain surrendered to al quaedas demands) We (britain) are best left allied to our natural trading and military partners (some former)...canada usa australia new
zealand etc..they are trustworthy,the european countries arent,its been shown to be true many times.
I would suggest that the English only know how to obey and don't know how to negociate. So we end up simply obeying to things we don't agree with, to the detriment of our country.
The bull runs in Pamplona and also the bull fights all over the country, won't disappear in Spain if the Spanish people still want them, and by the looks of it, the foreigners also like them as well. One of the gravely ill in hospital, is from New York. I personally don't understand the idiotic run of bulls in Pamplona. Imagine losing your life like that; willingly putting yourself in a situation of great danger by being chased down a narrow road by an estampede of angry bulls running behind as well as amongst hundreds of people wearing red handkerchiefs. Its crazy ! But if they wish to carry on doing it. They should... without busy bodies from the rest of the union to order them not to.
I disagree with you Dougie, you will find that even though it happened, slavery was not tolerated by the Spanish crown.
Fray Bartolome de Las Casas wrote letters to the King informing him about the cruelty being inflicted to the native population where they were made slaves in their own country and were also made to wear chains to do such arduous work where they would drop dead of exhaustion ! but you will find, that these cruel men were punished once they arrived back to Spain. If it wasn't for those letters, the King of Spain would have never known what was being done in his name. The crown never sanctioned this behaviour.
The Nazis was a completely different situation because Hitler and his henchmen were consciously doing these atrocities. This is: Estate terror.
The same thing can be said about the U.S. it is a state sponsored terror, where the Bush administration has sanctioned the torture in Guantanamo and at Abu Ghraib prison. It still continues to this day. The U.S. regime doesn't bring themselves to say the word: Torture. Instead it uses the convoluted term of: Enhanced Interrogation, as though changing the name of that word.. is not going to change the fact that people are still being tortured. Torture is torture and torturing people goes against the Geneva Convention. Period. Putting people in prison indefinitely and without a trial is torture and its unnaceptable in a civilized society. But then perhaps the people of the U.S. are uncivilized.
Dougie, you have admitted that you are a racist. What makes you think you are superior than other races ?
Nobody is talking about being superior to other races,merely of resenting the fact that this country ,allready overpopulated,imports thousands,nay hundreds of thousands of overseas immigrants every year...immigrants who come into this country not having contributed one penny piece to the system,yet milk the social security and benefit system for all its worth.why shouldnt people resent that?
The spanish govt in agreeing to be intimidated by al quaeda,showed their gutlessness for all the world to see...not only were the terrorists placated,they were encouraged.Thank god SOME countries have the courage and backbone to stand up to these obscene scum that labour under the name of al quaeda.
If slavery ,genocide and racism wasnt tolerated by the spanish crown,then its iodd that that is exactly what took place...the church sanctioned fact it positively encouraged it..all in the name of the king of spain...and of course god.You cant change history by denial,or twisting the facts to suit yourself.The events are too well documented for that.Catholicism was forced on the populaces of the countries spain conquered under pain of death.death by burning ,beheading garroting and a few other methods.The hundreds of thousands executed(murdered) by the spanish and the looting of those countries bears testament to the kings real amount of b.s can alter that.
No mention in your latest tirade against america of the "torture" of innocents by al mention of the mention of westerners being hung upside down from bridges and burnt mention of westerners being skinned mention there of people flying planes into mention watsoever of the us soldiers being burned alive on the u.s.s Cole...not a word about even the madrid train bombing either..i take it you have forgiven them for those minor crimes....yet harass mercilessly the americans for giving these terrorists a taste of their own medecine..not fior fun as the terrorists do-not for worshipping another god-as the terrorists do...not for merely being a westerner-as the terrorists do, but instead to extract information to lessen the possibility of another terrorist bombing, maybe even in your street-your local school-your local town.
There are some like yourself maria,who think the americans are the terrorists....some like yourself who believe the terrorists hold the moral high ground...if too many people in britain have that same crazy idea,then they will have a rude awakening when these "saints" walk into their schools..their back yards..their neighbourhoods with explosives tied to their bodies.that is what real terror is about.
Maria, when it comes to scaremongering stories, the Euro fanatics are in a class of their own.
In 1975 they told us that Britain was just a little island - or in their own splendidly patriotic words "an insignificant little offshore island" - and that we'd starve to death if we didn't join the Euro Gang. I see, so Japan is a land full of walking skeletons, is it?
In 1975 they told us that we'd better join the Euro Gang, because there's safety in numbers and the USSR might invade. Well, bless my soul, the USSR no longer exists!
You get the picture. They will tell any lie, work any dodge, conceal any facts, if it will get them their own way.
As for Afghanistan, the British troops had better withdraw because, to judge from what you said about EU expansion, they will soon be needed on an EU mission to solve the Arab-Israeli conflict. This will only take them a few thousand years and then they'll be home for tea. Of course, the chances of solving the Arab-Israeli conflict are really only about 0.0000000001 percent, but hey, that's still a bigger chance than there is of the EU ever publishing its accounts.
If on the other hand this EU Middle East mission goes horribly wrong, the EU commissioners can always resign one day and be reinstated the next.
As they say in that meerkat advert, "Simples."
As for human rights, I have never seen, heard, smelt, tasted or touched a human right, though I am willing to allow that others may have been luckier. Indeed I hear that yesterday three new human rights were discovered in a dusty old attic somewhere in Brussels. Also, Michael Jackson's face has been seen in a cloud. Unfortunately it rained and that was the end of Jacko.
Hi Dougie,
I have to agree with you that there has to be a quota of how many immigrants come into our over-crowded Island and I blame the government for not doing much about illegal immigration. I know that in Spain, they are receiving an average of 100 sub-Saharan illegal immigrants per day. They come into Spain in dingy wooden boats into the Canary Islands or other Spanish coasts. The Red Cross receives them, the ones that are found alive are taken to hospitals to be cared for and the dead ones are properly buried. Its coming to be that they cannot longer sustain to amount of malnurished illegal immigrants that make it to their shores and belatedly the Spanish government now feel something must be done to make sure hunger and poverty in the sub-Saharan countries be tackled to stem the amount of illegal immigrants coming to Spain.
The Italians are facing exactly the same problem and now, the Berlusconi government has introduced a new law to make illegal immigration a crime punishable with a jail sentence to stop them coming into Italy.
About Spain and Al-quaida, the situation is, that the Spanish people opposed this invasion right from the start. Something like 87% of Spaniards did not want this invasion to take place as it was totally without merit but the Aznar goverment who is a great friend of George Bush, agreed to use Spanish soldiers, despite the overwhelming opposition from the public. When the bomb in Atocha blew up, the Aznar government lied to the public by stating that the bomb was not al-queda, but by ETA. ETA took the unprecedented step of denying it, stating that it wasn't them. Then, the Spanish people got angry so they demanded to be told the truth, as this was precisely what they feared was going to happen if they invaded a foreign country without justification whatsoever, and so when their worst predictions suddenly became true; when they found out that this invasion far from supposedly protecting them from terrorism as the goverment claimed, did exactly the opposite, angry people took to the streets in front of the Spanish Parliament demanding to be told the truth, the enormous demonstration chanted: " We demand to know the truth " So the government once again said it was not al-queda but ETA, for the second time, ETA made a public communique stating that it wasn't them. Then, Al-queda took the unprecented step of stating responsibility for the bombs, as you can imagine at that moment, all hell broke loose and with just a few days of the election the great majority of people decided to boot out the Aznar lying goverment and replaced it for the Zapatero goverment who had promised in his manifesto that if he was elected, he would bring the Spanish troops back home and that's exactly what he did.
I feel that the whole purpose of having an army, a navy and an airforce is to defend the homeland from invaders. In this case, we are the invaders. We are not defending anything, we are in the Middle East to systematically destroy it favour the Zionists ambitions, as they want to destroy the Muslims, and be the main nuclear power in the Middle East, also, for profit, to get at their oil wells. This western invasion has nothing to do with defending anything. We are the agressors.
In less than 24 hours, there have been eight dead British soldiers. Last week, there were seven dead British soldiers. As I said before, and I say it now, Afghanistan has been the graveyard of several foreign invading armies and certainly this time, it will also be, the grave-yard of the NATO foreign soldiers too.
Whites to Blame Because Blacks Don’t Have Executive Jobs, Claims “Charity” Funded by Prince of Wales
Filed under National News
Whites are to blame because black and “ethnic” people do not hold top business executive jobs, a charity funded by the Prince of Wales’s “The Prince’s Charities” has claimed.
Boardrooms across the public and private sectors remain “stubbornly white,” says a report, Race to the Top, by the charity Business in the Community (BITC).
In an anti-white rant which has now become routine, Ms Kerr blamed the seemingly ever-present ‘white racism’ for everything that goes wrong with non-white achievement in Britain.
“Action is needed right away to shatter the last glass ceiling, and the government needed to lead by example,” Ms Kerr said, ignoring the fact that the Labour government is one of the biggest proponents of what is slyly called “positive discrimination” but what is actually anti-white racism.
The BITC report says that since
Wilfred Emmanuel-Jones, the “black farmer” and Conservative prospective parliamentary candidate for Chippenham at the next general election, agreed with this ‘blame the whites’ rant and said: “Equality is very low down on the list of priorities in most organisations.”
“To become a member of this elite club of senior managers and directors, it isn’t simply a question of whether you are able to do the job — other things come into play: social background, how you spend your leisure time, whether other members of that club would like to spend social time with you. All too often, people of colour fail these tests.”
Tags: Anti-white racism, Positive Discrimination
National Black Police Association Head Calls For More Anti-White Racism
October 29, 2008 by Lee Hancock
Filed under National News
Commander Ali Dizaei, head of the militant National Black Police Association, has called for yet more so-called “Positive” Discrimination initiatives in an effort to recruit more black and Asian police officers.
* ‘Postive discrimination’ is the code word for anti-white discrimination.
The Black Police Association, whose membership is only open to people of black, Asian or Middle-Eastern origin, is currently at the centre of a storm that led the resignation of Met chief Sir Ian Blair. Numerous Muslim members of the group are suing the Met for compensation over alleged “racial” discrimination and lack of promotion due to the race and religion. All of the claimants hold high positions within the Metropolitan force.
Dizaei also said that police forces that didn’t deliver on race and equality discrimination should face financial sanctions.
regarding spains opt out from the war on terroer....who was it who said "am i not my brothers keeper?".....or somethin similar
Robert, Dougie says:
"It is about time the British reclaimed Britain and stopped trying to import European customs and culture. "
Well, I have news for you Dougie: We do share the same history with Europe and therefore, similar customs, religion and culture with the Europeans. Or have you forgotten that Henry VIII married the Spanish Queen Catalina de Aragon who bored him a daughter - Mary, who later became Queen Mary ? Henry the VIII was married to the Spanish, Catalina de Aragon for 24 long years and as the Queen failed to give him a son, Catalina de Aragon was repudiated in favour of Anne Boleyne. It was at this point that Henry the VIII changed the Catholic religion which was prevalent in Britain -in line with the rest of Europe- directly from the Vatican, to suit Henry's own desire to be married to Anne Boleyn. There was a departure from the rest of Europe in religious terms to suit one man: The King of England. It had nothing to do with differences in faith, like e.g. Christians and Muslims. But having said that, let's not forget that both faiths: Christian and Muslim, have a common root, both books (the Bible and the Koran) have exactly the same old texts at the beginning,- or what we call " The Old Testament " The tooth for a tooth, and the eye for an eye " So whatever the Muslims are doing to us, it is in response to whatever it has been done to them and they have replied in kind. If we continue to drop unmanned drones into Pakistan or Waziristan, then we can expect beheadings, kidnappings etc. and our soldiers being killed. Or do you see the unlikely situation that the Afghans are going to allow foreign infidels to take over their lands without firing a shot ? Did you really believed George Bush, when he said that invading forces like the U.S. and Britain would be received with flowers and chocolates by the Iraqis and the Afghans ? Be truthful, would you, as a British soldier receive a hostile army of foreigners Muslim soldiers in Britain with flowers and chocolates ? Can you see how daft that is ? The answer is NO, of course not, and that is the way it should be. So I do not, for the life of me, comprehend why do you think the Afghans and the Iraqis should receive our soldiers with flowers and chocolates.
Dougie, then you write:
"Immigrants who come into this country not having contributed one penny piece to the system, yet milk the social security and benefit system for all its worth, why shouldn't people resent that ?
Well, it depends.. if the immigrants are Europeans then, as they have contributed in their own country, this also happens in reverse, with the British immigrants who go to European countries, we also have a right to be treated for free in European hospitals at no cost to the British taxpayer, all you have to do, is apply to the NHS and your European Health Care card will arrive, so you can use it in Europe. Simple.
The same thing happens with benefits and social security. If a British citizen moves to Europe, a British person can get disability benefits, if disabled whilst living abroad. Considering an average of a thousand British citizens are now leaving the U.K. to live in the Continent, we mustn't grumble! since a lot of our own people, emmigrate to live in Europe too. How many hoards of Spanish do you see coming to live in Britain ? ( not many ) but the Spanish cannot say the same, as there are places in Spain that look more like Blackpool.. than Spain ! with Fish & Chip eateries, pubs, only English spoken that you would feel right at home. I had a friend, Jackie Evans who thought just like you; and you know what ? the next thing I know, was, that she wanted to sell her restaurant and her lovely cottage in Wales, to emmigrate to the Canary Islands, I was going to teach her how to speak Spanish, but on her second trip to Lanzarote, she discovered that the British Ex-patriate community is so large, that she moved right away without having to learn a single word in Spanish ! She now lives there quite happily.
First of all Maria,while the royal family have inter married with foriegners thro the centuries ,its not really relevant as the royal family is as remote from ordinary people as the man in the moon is.And of course the royal family dont have their roots in britain anyway,they are of german lineage as far as im aware.
The christian and muslim religions are as alike as chalk and cheese...if it was any other way then we wouldnt have the strife that we do.The practise of those two religions has virtually nothing in common.As an example how many fatwahs has the church of england or catholic church issued so far this year?
To suggest that al quaeda only started killing westerners after the west invaded iraq is plain silly. A look at the calendar will dispell that notion within seconds.
Actually the americans WERE greeted with flowers (or watever arabs use to greet people with) upon entering iraq...if you noticed it was mostly iraqis who tore down the statues of saddam which appeared to be on every street was ordinary iraqis who queued in line to vote for the first time in their lives(knowing that the very act of voting made them a target for death squads)...they wanted democracy,a chance to elect their leaders ,not to have them foisted on the population by decree..would you deny them that right?it seems you would. You accuse the americans of mindless cruelty and endless violence. if you want to see violence...go watch a taliban inspired execution,go watch an afghan woman being beheaded because she committed adultery..better still go watch a man being hung cos he is a homosexual...if thats not enough,go visit a jihadist website,read all about it...thats violence. you dont seem able to differentiate between violence for violences sake and the violence which is needed to prevent still more violence.If the taliban and thir pals were not kept occupied in afghanistan..they would attack us. How you ask? by gaining control in pakistan-a nuclear armed you think these maniacs would shrink from using those weapons against us?well do you?
This present state of affairs in the middle east will be as nothing if iran are allowed by toothless politicians and protest groups to acquire nuclear weapons-if al quaeda and assorted mobs get access to them either directly or indirectly..its so blindingly obvious and only the previous american government had the courage to address the issue....others would sit and wring their hands and give these bandits concessions,or more land,or more jewish blood,and in this way imagine that these groups would promise not to kill us.Weve been down that road before ,it didnt do us any good then...and it wont this time either.
A.A Milne ....wrote concerning appeasement in ww2.
Your conscience thinks that war should cease.
But finds no fault with a GERMAN peace
it minds not who seduces whom
if,safe within its narrow room
it can still hug itself and say
we took no part in war today
it will not mind who lost-who won
so long as you have fired no gun
Are you telling me maria,that if i emigrate to somalia,iraq, syria,chechyna,morocco,iran,tibet or zulu land I can still claim unemployment benefit,tax credits invalidity benefit,maternity benefit,council tax benefits, subsidised housing, rent subsidies,holiday pay,preferential employment rights cos id be an ethnic minority, free contraceptives if im gay,clothing allowance if im a transvestite,alcohol allowance if im a drunk ,free needles if im a druggie,free counselling if i think im being discriminated against cos im british,the right to claim compensation if anyone says the word "white" in my presence, and of course will i still have my health and safety and human tights allowances too?
But hey its not all doom and gloom! Saw a headline in paper today...frankly at first i didnt know whether to laugh or cry..i opted to laugh,well to be really honest i didnt opt to laugh ,it was a spontaneous outburst,almost hysterical in nature.
Apparently the police force will soon have to employ GYPOS and TRAVELLERS now ,cos of the quota system i assume. All we need now is for them employ a few JAILBIRDS and ex cons ..then we could have the full set!
they re coming to take me away..ha ha-he he ha ha.....he he ha ha to a better place.ha ha he he
Maria.....there were no suicide bombers before america deposed saddam?
Have you heard about 9/11 yet?maybe you missed it?
At least you are consistent,first you try to portray al quaeda and the taliban as honourable organisations......and now you trying to make a case for Saddam "Santa Claus" Hussain. What next? Hitler wasnt evil-he was merely misrepresented as such by the American Press?
Whatever nick griffiths grandfather was doesnt really interest me......why should it? Surely you are not suggesting the police should positively search out gypos and travellers to become policemen?How about adding a few ex bank robbers too? or better still a couple of al quaeda members to make up the quota.
You have confirmed my fears maria that you are anti semite,a jew baiter,a holocaust denier,osama bin ladens representative in wales,a propoganda agent for the E.C,....most likely a member of the KGB,pro abortion,pro public nudity,a founder member of the black panthers,a supporter of the aryan brotherhood,a mormon,the last remaing member of the "free cuba" organisation,a n organiser for the "lee harvey oswald was a patsy" party,a member of the "flat earth society", treasurer of the "ally rider" fan club, and more likely than not a personal friend of Irans prime minister.
All of those activities are fun ,but none have any lasting future.....not in this world anyway.
Oh yes I forgot, also an advocate of that barbaric,cruel and uncivilised "sport" that goes under the name of you still visit cock fighting and bull baiting events by any chance?..or is that too tame?
viva la revolution
I answered your post,which has everyone will think im talkin to myself.
In the old days, the Monarchy was relevant to people. What the king said was law. If the King decreed that his subjects would not be Roman Catholics but Protestants that was the law.
Everyone has different lineages, if you scratch your family tree you will find Scottish and who knows ? if we really go way back, according the Darwin we all came from the monkeys ! Ha,ha,ha.
Listen, not going too far... The BNP leader, Nick Griffith, guess what ? His grand-father was a traveller. Imagine that, after all that rant against travellers and now it transpires that he had them in his own family all along.
Have you seen the new probe into the Iraq war?
A question into the Iraq war... Why were there no suicide bombers when Saddam Hussein ruled Iraq ?
The chaos and suicide bombers only began after we deposed him.
Dougie, dear... there is no evidence that Iraqis were remotely involved in 9/11 There were no Afghans in those planes either. None. Not even one. If you recall.. Osama bin Laden is from Saudi-Arabia-our friends and allies ! Well, at least that is what the U.S. says.
Don't you think its rather strange that after all these years.. Osama has not been caught. Strange isn't it ? If the man lives in Afghanistan the U.S. was busy destroying Iraq.
Where have I denied the Holocaust ? On the contrary if memory serves me right I said I thought the Germans were racist precisely because they gassed the Jewish people. That is a fact.
Just calm yourself Dougie, I'm not out to get you.
Interesting thing about anti-semitism : a Jewish friend who was in a position to know, asked me what was the most anti-semitic nation in Europe. I said, the Germans. No, she said, it's the Poles.
I was startled.
The Poles ? Why the Poles. The poles as in Polish ? or maybe the poles as in North pole ? I would have thought it was the Germans too.
Dougie... I am sorry. I was not aware that you were already replying to my post when I deleted it, thinking it was just too long winded. If is any consolation, Robert had already read it too before it was gone. Not to worry.
Maria, yes, Poles as Polish. i don't think they've been very nice to the Jews. Maybe it's the Catholic influence - "the Jews killed Jesus" sort of thing.
I was under the impression that Jesus was Jewish too.
Anyway... why does your Jewish friend says that the Poles are more racist than the Germans ?
Hi Maria
Well, I'm not sure he was Jewish, though he's always been taken as such.
I'll email you on the other business. It'll have to be tomorrow - I'm having to do cursed vacuuming.
I didnt think u were out to get me maria....i was just having a bit of fun.....
corse there are orthodox jews and non-orthodox....strange how jews have been hated throughout the centuries....ive never known one to be honest,but most of the hatred prob revolves around their money lending activities.Wasnt it the jews who first invented the whole concept of usury..interest fees ?In much of eiurope in medieval times jews werent allowed to have employment, so i guess money lending was the only way to earn a living for them......150% interest rate is fair i guess....a day that is
I think the Lombards were the first money lenders. Also the Templars who made the mistake of lending money to the King of France and when the King refused to pay what he owed.. he asked the Pope to excommunicate the Templars and accused them of heresy, with that excuse, he had them all killed in order to avoid paying them. It is said, that the money the Templars had, it is still hidden somewhere safe and it hasn't been found yet.
Yes, the Jewish also lent money to people as Shakespeare mentions in his play, 'The Merchant Of Venice'
Yes, you pose a very interesting question: Why have the Jewish people been so hated everywhere ?
They were treated abominably all over Europe; in Russia in Germany, in Italy, in the U.K. Remember during the Jack the Ripper era..." The Jews Won't Be Blamed For Nothing " Someone was trying to blame them for those horrible murders.
So Israel was created to assuage the bad conscious of Europeans, to give them a home away from Europe and since the British controlled Palestine during that time, they were finally given a home there, with the terrible consequences that we are facing today. Even though it is hard to admit; we are now embroiled in a World War III.
The war in the Middle East is now intractable.
The British have been invading Iraq since 1914, just as the coalition troops are doing today. Under the command of Sir Charles Townshend who easily took the southern city of Basra but by 1915 the British suffered a setback when the forces crumbled 15 miles outside Baghdad and retreated down river to the city of Kut.
Our incursions into the Middle East date way, way back to Richard the Lion and the infamous Crusades.
It just seems like if we have not learned our lesson.
But money lending activities go all the way to Babylonian times near Baghdad and also during Roman times,
In Europe, for example, some say, the oldest bank in the world is: Banca Monte dei Pashi di Siena, in Italy which started its activities by making loans to the poor out of charity.
Maria, I'm not up to speed with the entire history of Italy, but certainly in modern times I don't think the Jews were particularly persecuted - maybe because there were comparatively few Jews living there. Anti-semitism wasn't really part of Mussolini's package until the mid-late 30s, under pressure from Hitler. Indeed, Jewish refugees from Germany sometimes used to escape via Italy.
In medieval europe every time there was an outbreak of disease locals rounded up jews and threw them down wells and suchlike.....most notabley when the black death was in full flow...its almost comic in a sad way.
Just like to remark Maria that i wont be voting for the BNP cos im a bnp supporter,but cos i despair of the mess this present govt has got us into.Im certain there is more to it than mere incompetence and "fiddling".There is an undercurrent of insanity running through this present govt from grass roots to the very top. heard the latest? people who havent double glazed their windows,insulated their roofs,and most likely, soon those without a wind farm in their garden must pay extra on their council tax .but fear not the govt will arrange a loan for you to do all those things average cost will supposedly be £10528 per average household..i smell another money making racket in the making...maybe brownie has bought shares in the double glazing industry? the new anti northern discriminatory laws in the gets crazier by the day.
In Spain a lot of the Jews were expelled. They could only stay in Spain if they converted to Christianism. Before that, the Jews used to practice their religion in secret. Sometimes people are just suspicious and ignorant when they have a group of people in their midst who doesn't share the same religious beliefs.
Equally, the Moslems were also expelled from Spain during the time of El Cid Campeador. In Granada the Moslems stayed for 800 years until they too were expelled as well.
Yes, I know what you mean Dougie, insanity at the top of government, Gordon Brown is under the impression the taxpayer is a bottomless source of money. He gave 640 Billion pounds of tax payers money to the richest in the land so that these bankers can continue giving themselves millionare bonuses. And its crazy to think we are going to spend our way out of recession! It hasn't sank in his head that people without a job, cannot go in a spending spree.
Now, they are desperately trying to invent new taxes, in order to claw back some of the money they gave to the bankers. Like the broadband tax.
Ha,ha,ha, more likely, he is a director and share holder of a window glazing company. What Northern discriminatory laws are you talking about ? Or this was just a little joke ?
Yes, it is all very daft. This is a government that is living in cuckoo land. Obsessed with what they perceive as "social equality" regardless if the people chosen, are competent or not to do the job.
Or the daft tax for those who don't have double glazing. It couldn't be crazier ! it has not occurred to the government that the lack of double glazing is because people cannot afford it. So its daft to make them pay higher council taxes !
Tomorrow, I'm going to hang another thread about the new Public Enquiry concerning the war in Afghanistan.
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