Tuesday, 25 August 2009


I liked Victoria's ghost stories very much and as we have been talking about unusual phenomena, time travel and the fourth dimension, I thought we could continue to talk about ghost stories. I have never seen a ghost apart from distant red stars, which died long ago and their light has taken a million light years to get here to earth but I have experienced some unusual and uncanny happenings like the one more than 30 years ago, when Peter and I had not yet married. Late at night, I was reading my book alone, waiting for a phone call from Peter who was in the U.S. at the time, when the lights started flickering not all at the same time, first, the bedside table lamp on my side of the bed and then on Peter's side and afterwards the lights from the ceiling started to flicker as well. I waited for a little while and the lights all went back to normal, so I turned them all off and went to sleep. During my sleep, in a dream, I saw Peter's father, he sounded anxious and told me that he wanted to give his son an important message; he asked me if I could go and use the ouija board that had been left in our living room. I replied that I was afraid to use that board and if he could just tell me what was his message for Peter was, he replied it had to be written down, I felt mortified that I was not helping him the way he wanted and I was just promising him to remember all what he told me. He just disappeared and I felt frustrated not knowing exactly what this message for Peter really was.

The next day, someone called Nicky called to ask for Peter. I said that he was in the U.S. she said it was urgent but refused to tell me what it was about and that she would talk to Peter when he got back home; that morning Peter called me and when I told him there were urgent news for him here at home, the lights started flickering quite dramatically, so I remembered to tell him about my dream last night and how the lights suddenly started flickering all through our conversation. When Peter came home from abroad, we learned that his father had passed away on the night that I had had my dream.


Kamila said...

That sounds really interesting. If the flickering lights happened to me, I would run away as quick as possible. But I heard about similar stories, and I do believe them. By the way, I had a dream about you. We met somewhere, I do not know where and it started to rain and after few minutes everything was under the water, and when I wanted to go to my bike, little snakes loomed up from the water. It was so scary. But it is not connected with this topic at all, I just wanted to say it to you. Well, I am very superstitious...
Hope, that I do not have many mistakes in my comment...

Maria said...

Dear Kamila!! I'm thrilled to hear from you, what a nice surprise ! this has made my day. It must have been Wales in that dream, since it rains here every blessed single day ! I wouldn't be surprised if frogs fell down from the sky one day. What a curious dream to be sure. Mmmm... I have a book about: The Interpretation Of Dreams somewhere here in the house. I will take a look. I wonder what it all means, dreaming with little snakes looming from the water. I always find dreams mysterious; a sort of amalgamation of all the things that were lived and when the mind relaxes, it turns all the elements into a coherent story. When we last saw you, you were leaving in your bike in Cambridge. So that was something that was lived. The next meeting couldn't unfortunatelly take place. Well, at least the dream didn't have any bees or wasps in it, as I was stung by one ! and dropped my tray with the sandwiches and the drinks. You have me curious with what could it all this mean. Don't worry, your English is really good and you haven't made any mistakes. I'm really happy to hear from you again.

Robert said...

Hi Maria and Kamila

Well, that was spooky! I'm just wondering why Peter's dad didn't get through to him instead of you, Maria. Maybe you're much more psychic? Anyway, this is the kind of thing that does make one wonder, because I know you are not making it up.

Could I ask a couple of questions?

1. Did the lights flicker at any time other than the two occasions you mentioned?

2. Was Peter's father already ill, so that you might have had cause to dream about him anyway, or was his death a bolt from the blue?

Welcome Kamila. I can't say I've ever dreamt about snakes, unless you count an occasional dream about politicians.

Maria said...

Hi Kamila and Robert

About your questions Robert. No. the lights were not flickering before nor after those two ocassions.

2. His death was a complete surprise to both of us and no, we didn't know he was ill. The urgent call was made by someone who wanted to brake the bad news to Peter the next day after my dream and the first incident with the flickering lights. So I dreamt with his father on the very night he passed away, without me realizing that he had died. When I spoke with Peter on the phone; again the lights started to flicker quite dramatically as soon as I mentioned the strange dream to Peter. At the time, we were not aware his father had died. I just thought it was a strange dream to have. But if you think about it, why did his father asked me to go and find the Oija board ? and the flickering of the lights on both occasions.

I just found out about the meaning of your dream.

Bicycle : Means success from your own phisical effort. Working towards fulfilling one's destiny. Dreaming with snakes: These represent physical, psychic and spiritual energy in the forms of drive, ambitions, emotions. Floods: Beware of being overcome by emotions.

Maria said...


RAIN: in a dream means: The washing away of fears, anxieties and worries. A refreshing sign.

WATER: The unconscious Self. Heartfelt emotions. The waters of life.

I think is an excellent positive dream and nothing to be scared about.

Robert said...

Hi Maria

That's very interesting and I have no way of accounting for it.

Then there are the identical twins who claim they know if smothing bad is happening to the other twin.

Anonymous said...

Hello Maria, Robert and welcome to you Kamila .. your english is perfect!
A really good and interesting story Maria, I think possibly certain people are more receptive to these things as Robert has suggested, so that is most likely why you had the experience instead of Peter.
Many years ago I had a very good friend, a little unusual, she was really into ouji boards (not sure on the spelling!). She would get so involved with 'spirits' or whatever forces that they were .. sometimes being so exhausted she couldn't make it into work.
One night I was with her, and I was sceptical of people moving the glass etc, not a real believer of it. Anyway it was just the two of us, and this glass was literally flying around the board at times .. I felt fear, it was spooky. I even got her to put her finger on mine to see, even though I was sure she was not doing it, the glass even left both of us behind a little at times.
What was said by the 'spirit' was strange things, I don't think anything true or proper was said. The thing that got my attention was that it said that my mother was going to die of cancer, that never did happen, but for a long while later it upset me.
I don't know whether it was some spirit force or some part of my friends mind, or the energy of it somehow making the glass move.

Robert, just on your identical twins .. how you can be 'in tune' with someone.
Many years ago now when I was working and interstate, on a sunday around lunctime.. I had this huge fear that I was going to die, it was very distressing. As the evening approached and in my hotel room I wanted to call my husband and parents and say goodbye. But I couldn't as I knew they would be just so worried, and anyway I did awake to live another day.
Mind you I had difficulty breathing easily .. felt I could not get enough air. Two weeks later we had a weekend away with my parents, and I had to fly back on Sunday afternoon for work. At the airport my mother and I were sobbing over a goodbye which was only for a few days .. it was ridiculous really. Anyway because of my breathing problem which the doctor could find no logical cause, my mother on her return visited me every day that week on her way home from work (so I got to see her much more than normal.
The following sunday she was having all her friends over at lunctime, deciding that it should happen more often than once a year at xmas. She phoned me about an hour before she died, saying please do not be late .. I thought it was because she gets a little anxious having a lot of people and wanted my help.
She died at sunday lunchtime just before I got there, and before the guests, an unexpected heart attack.
My breathing problem just vanished as quick as it came, as did the feelings of dying, which had continued. There were other little co-incidences as well, I believe somewhere in the back of both of our minds was the knowledge that her time here was about to end.

Kamila said...

Thank you for welcoming.
Thank you Maria for clearing, now the dream looks much more better and I think the explication of the dream really matches.
Victoria, this is very interesting, you had to have with your mum a very strong relationship.
Anything unusual hasn't happened to me, but to my lovely grandma has. She does foretelling and these kind of things in her free time and unusual things happen to her very often. For instance, once when she came back home, she found a clock in the middle of the room on the floor and the watch-hand was outside of the clock lying next to it. But a windscreen of clock wasn't break at all. And normally the clock is on a shelf at her bedroom. After she told me this, I wound never stay there alone over night.

And I wanted to ask, because I can't really understand what is Oija board? I don't think, that we have something similar in the Czech republic, at least I haven't met anything like this. Thank you.

Maria said...

Hi Kamila,

That is certainly very interesting about your grand-mother's clock.

Well, a Oija board has the letters of the alphabet and also numbers written underneath. On the top corner of the board, it has the word: YES and on the other corner the word: NO. It contains a plastic pointer where people place the tip of their fingers and inexplicably, the plastic pointer starts sliding on the board. I would NOT recommend doing this. I will explain what it is. People who do this go on a trance, someone asks questions an a spirit makes contact. Once the pointer starts moving someone would ask: Is anyone there ? the marker will go to where it says: YES. Then a person starts asking questions to the spirit. I once did this with a group of friends and I was so terrified with the experience, that I never wanted to touch one of those Oija boards again.

At the beginning I was very skeptical saying: " Oh come on, you are moving the marker " So one of the girls told me: " Go ahead, you have a go and see what happens" I was determined that would not touch it, getting at close as possible with the tip of my fingers without actually touching it. It was like Victoria described, the pointer would start going without my help around the board. One of the girls started asking the questions like: Where did you died ? The answer came back: In P-r-i-s-o-n. Then the girl ask: Do you have a message for us? The marker quickly went to say: YES. What is the message ? P-r-a-y f-o-r m-e then a girl ask him why he had gone to prison ? the answer was: M-U-R-D-E-R. Did you murder someone ? YES The spirit told us his name and his age. Then he warned us not to do this. One of the girls asked why not? the spirit replied: P-O-S-S-E-S-I-O-N. D-A-N-G-E-R Do you mean we could get possesed by a spirit ? YES. Why? YOU ARE GOOD YOUNG GIRLS, and it ended up with: PRAY FOR ME, PLEASE.
So, this is why I do NOT recommend anyone to do this. The other girl opposite to me, who at first I was accusing of moving the pointer, had passed out. She was unconscious and I started shaking her to wake up. When she woke up, she asked: "What happenend ? " She was unaware of everything that had happened there that afternoon. Kamila, its dangerous, you just don't know if an evil spirit will appear. That one we encountered, seemed to have repented for what he did and asked us about three times to pray for him. So never again. Too frightening !

Kamila said...

Wow, that sounds like a very scary story. Can I ask you, have you prayed for him? I would. I feel sorry for him. Don't worry, I won't try it, I am scared now, I can not imagine, that I would be actually there.

Robert said...

Interesting stories everyone. I don't think I have any dramatic incidents to relate, just some strange coincidences.

While on the one hand I would like to believe in life after death - for my relatives' sake rather than my own - a part of me is saying "Wow! We can't have spirits running around like this, mucking up our orderly universe."

Maria said...

Hi Kamila, Robert, Victoria

Yes, together we said a prayer for him so that his soul would rest in peace. Robert it seemed to me like if his soul was somewhere in limbo and he needed help to rest in peace.

Victoria, that was a very moving account of your mother and how you both had a presentiment that she would be passing away. It was quite obvious that you were feeling exactly what she was feeling in that embrace at the airport and your inexplicable forebodings that you would not live long; somehow these feelings were being transmitted to you by your mother's own feelings. You were, in a way experiencing what she felt. also her wish of having more celebrations with her friends rather than just at Christmas, is a sign that she knew or felt what was happening to her and even if she did not mentioned it, in order not to worry you but you still did pick up all these feelings like if you had an internal radio which tuned in with the frequency of your mother's feelings. Its a phychic connection that you experienced at first hand.

Robert said...

Of course, if we say that Victoria had a kind of telepathy with her mum, and that telepathy exists, then it can make certain experiences which at present are attribued to the supernatural, more problematic. For instance, if a medium says that she is in contact with "the other side" and proceeds to tell someone all about their dead relative, giving all sorts of personal details, could that be the medium consciously or subsconsciously reading the relative's mind?

Maria said...


I don't know how that works. I do know that in the 18th century there were a lot of tricksters who would con people into believing that they were in contact with the "other side" and a lot of them were exposed as frauds but there are also people with true powerful psychic powers who have even helped to uncover murders where the police didn't even have a clue to solve it.

There was one psychic, in California, who could, just by touching the clothes of a person who disappeared; feel exactly how this person died, the exact description of the man who murdered him and she could also "see" where the victim was lying, all with great accuracy. She was so good, that if it wasn't because the police themselves had asked her to help them with this case, they could have thought she was somehow involved, as everything was so true, including the very good description of the tatoo of the killer. A man was arrested and convicted for the murder, as the police were able to trace the murder weapon which he used, that had all his finger prints on it and the man also confessed. I think this psychic was warned by the mafia, not to do any more work in more cases. She moved from California, because she was fearful the mafia could do away with her.

Maria said...

Hi Robert,

I just saw two videos of a psychic his name is James Van Praagh which I thought was very interesting as it explains in detail how it all works and he answers questions too. There is a section on Heaven & Hell where it practically describes Karma that is how your life actions are repeated like in a film all in 3 seconds, even if your earth life was 70 years old its all seen in a flash and if your deeds have been bad, then your bad actions are repeated over and over again like a torment or an obssesion and so it feels like hell.

The most famous psychic of our times was Jeanne Dixon. She predicted {in 1956} that the 1960 presidential election would be won by a democrat and that he would be assassinated in office. President John F. Kennedy was the person about whom she had predicted. Apparently, her prophesies came to her in her dreams and visions and at times, she used a crystal ball.

Jean Dixon had also predicted the death of Robert Kennedy, and pointed the exact spot where he would be shot, when once she was passing through the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles. Her famous psychic predictions were:

1. Assassination of president John F. Kennedy and Robert Kennedy.

2. Death in six months of President Frank Roosevelt

3. Assassination of Mahatma Ghandi
4. The fire that destroyed the Apollo rocket and killed 3 astronauts.

5. Assassination of Martin Luther King

6. Death of Marilyn Monroe

Robert said...

Hi Maria

I find the holding of a person's possessions interesting, as that would suggest some kind of physical basis for the psychical activity.

I'd never heard of Jeanne Dixon. Bit gloomy, wasn't she? Nothing but deaths!

Maria said...

Hi Robert,

Yes, apparently there are some mediums that fall into a trance when they touch the belongings of the person who has disappeared, some claim to feel how the victim died and the medium will feel that. For example if the victim was chocked when he/she died, then she can feel chocking or perhaps drowning as the medium feels she cannot breath. When I learned this, I thought it must be very scary to be a medium as she must feel the same kind of drowning or stabs or whatever sharp pain the victim suffered.

Actually, Jean Dixon predicted more interesting things that only just deaths. Some of her predictions are still to come true, but I hope she is wrong. One of them is that China and Russia will have a border conflict which will later on turn into a major war between the two giants. Another one of her predictions is vague in my mind, but it has to do about some kind of Anti-Christ whose presence and influence will be felt all over the world and that he is already born, somewhere in the Middle-East.

Robert said...

Maria, I wonder whether the object held has to be something from the crime scene, or whether any personal object would do.

I guess if you're going to have an antichrist, the Middle East has to be the place for him to come from. What a hell-hole that area is.

Maria said...

Robert, there is something called psychometry whereby the clothes that the victim was wearing, retain energy impressions of that person's essence that the psychic can trace. It's not just any old clothes. Of course, I'm just going on by what I have read about it.

Maria said...

Robert, the prediction was done in the 1960's when the Middle East hadn't been destroyed as it is the case today.

Anonymous said...

Hi Maria, Robert, and Kamila,

a lovely reply to my post, thank you Maria.
Robert, when you mentioned the 'medium' subconsciously or consciously reading the relatives mind .. I tend to agree that probably happens in a lot of cases, but possibly not in all cases.
Yes, I have heard of Jean Dixon, but would not have remembered any of her predictions like you have Maria.
To me, the coming of the 'Antichrist' may not necessarily mean one specific person, but the general downward spiral of society. We are now entering the 'Kali Yuga' .. or as is more commonly known as the iron age. It takes a very long time to manifest fully, but wars, violence etc ... these 'dark forces' to me are the 'Antichrist'. Obviously an evil person like Hitler could stand out, but not be the 'Antichrist".

Robert said...

Well Victoria, I think the antichrist would have to go some to outdo Hitler and Stalin. Anyone who did that would probably finish off the planet in present conditions.

Maria said...

Kali Yuga ? Holly Christ ! Victoria, can you tell me what that is ? I have only heard about Nebuchadnezzar and his dream about the statue where the head was made of gold, the breast and his arms of silver, his belly and his thighs of brass. His legs of iron, his feet part of iron and part of clay and after, an enormous stone broke the image's feet. Then, it was the iron, the clay, the brass, the silver and the gold broken to pieces and became as chaff on the summer threshing floor.

Anonymous said...


the Kali Yuga is just another term for the 'Iron Age' that we are in now in. That is the term used in Indian Philosophy.
It is said how different spiritual masters incarnate for the sake of humanity in different ages .. one of the reasons why sometimes the teachings seem to differ, being presented in different times.
I am pretty sure from memory here that it is said that Krishna was born in the Golden Age, Lord Rama came in the Silver Age. The Buddha I think may be in the Bronze Age ..and Jesus the beginning of the Iron Age.
The ages just represent the natural outward thrust of creation and the downward spiral of it .. the time of which is so 'apparently' amazingly long, then it repeats the cycle.
Hence the saying, 'Nothing new under the sun'.

Your story of Nebuchadnezzar sounds very interesting, I do not know of it. Is it from the bible or where?
It most likely has spiritual meanings under it, like most myths and parables etc.

Maria said...

Hi Victoria,

Yes, indeed, this is a story from the bible. Nebuchadnezzar was the King of Babylon and his dreams troubled him greatly added to which he tended to forget them on waking with a result that he was left with disturbing unconscious memories that he was unable to recall. Not surprisingly, requests for interpretrations from his famous sorcerers and magicians failed, mainly because they were expected to produce the dreams themselves as well as their meanings. Daniel revealed that he had re-dreamed every detail of the King's dream and knew the interpretation even though Daniel did not quite revealed the true meaning of this dream, in order to save the lives of himself and his fellow prisoners but it is commonly interpreted as the different phases of mankind. A Golden age, a Silver age, a Bronze age and lastly the clay feet, when a stone (comet) will fall and destroy the image. Daniel told the king, the interpretation revealed Nebuchadnezzar to be ruler of many kingdoms, himself being represented by the golden head. Although kingdoms may come and kingdoms may go. Daniel assured him that his would go on for ever.

Robert said...

That is a very uncomfortable feeling, when you have had a bad dream but awake and are unable to recall it, and yet feel uneasy and under a cloud. Then there are also the bad dreams which you do remember, and carry on believing for some minutes after you wake up that the things in them really happened, before you finally realise with relief that it was only a dream!

Anonymous said...

Thank you Maria, for the bible story .. I do vaguely remember it now, I must find it and read it when I have time. And see what it means to me these days, I think there must be a lot of subtle meanings in it.
Yes Robert, dreams I think can be very strange. Thank goodness I have not had one that was disturbing and not really recall it properly. Some dreams also feel so real, even when you wake you cannot believe that they were not true. Years ago about 6mths-1yr after my father died I 'dreamt' that he was outside my kitchen door watching my son on his bicycle, there was such longing on his face and also when we saw each other .. and unspoken words. I woke up with physical tears streaming down my face. It was the 'strongest' dream that I have ever had .. just so real, but I never saw or heard anything, except while sleeping.

Robert said...

Yes Victoria, although many dreams seem to be just random collections of disconnected imaginings, some are very intense.

I remember a dream I had about 30 years ago. I was in the Blitz and I was terrified because I didn't know whether the next bomb would fall on the house.

Mostly, though, I dream about my own personal past, e.g. that I'm back at school or on holiday in Cornwall. I don't much dream of the future, though I did once dream that I was knocked down and killed by a bus - it really should have been three buses arriving together! - and in my dead state I came back to say goodbye to everyone. That was a weird one.

Maria said...

That is all really very interesting. I think that was a nightmare rather than a dream Robert, but its strange because you had not been born during the Blitz yet. Victoria, this dream with your father was very intense and poignant to find yourself crying when you awoke in the morning, it is like if the dead can sometimes communicate through dreams. In certain cultures they revere their dead as gods.

Dreaming, is something we all do, but what do our dreams really mean? What function do they perform and how can we learn to understand and make use of them in our dialy lives ?

Have any of you heard of the Dream Oracles in Japan? There are many accounts of dream oracles throughout medieval Japanese literature which were in both, Shinto and Buddhist temples, where a Journey is made to the holy site and an offering was made along with a vow that the proposed dreamer would stay there for a given time, in the belief of being granted an enlightening dream. Seven; twenty-one or one hundred days seem to have been the number of days necessary for this ritual, where each of these nights they spent sleeping in the principal hall as near as possible to the inner sanctum where the divinity dwelt. It was here that the long-hoped-for dream would come but often this did not happen until the very last night of the vigil. Healing was the most prominent reason which drove people to seek help from their dreams in this way and many of those who came in search of a cure found one. There is a fifteenth century collection of Japanese stories known as Hasendra Reigenki where it describes the healing miracles achieved from dream communication with the gods. One of these, tells of a man who, disfigured by leprosy, journeyed to Hasedra and after seven days and seven nights in seclusion, dreamed that a boy appeared from the inner sanctum and said: 'Your sickness is very difficult to cure because it is due to Karma from a past life but the god Kannon has commanded me to heal you' the boy then licked the man all over and when he awoke in the morning he found himself healed and cured. Problems other than health were solved by dream oracles too. There came pilgrims who simply wanted to know the future and here too their dreams showed them visually what was to come.

The most weird dream I have ever had which I can still recall was one where I could see myself sleeping in my bed from above floating around the ceiling of the room and there were two black clouds talking to each other near my head to a third entity, near my feet discussing whether it was time to take me away. I remember saying to them from above that I was too young and that I hadn't even left my parent's home and seen the world yet and that I would like to marry in the future and have a son first. My wish to remain in my body was finally granted by the grey clouds. I do remember finding it difficult to come down and return to me where I could see my innert body lying peacefully on the bed.

Robert said...

That's a very strange dream to have, Maria. If you were ill in hospital at the time I could understand it, but under normal circumstances it's a very strange thing to dream.

I wonder whether the leprosy was actually one of those skin conditions which can be caused by worry or stress, and that when this man had his dream he believed he'd get better and therefore did?
Maybe he started getting better when he awoke rather than being cured immediately.

Maria said...

Hi Robert,
Yes, maybe it could be one of those stress ailments. I have looked up some of the elements in your dream to see what it says.

Kill: is symbolic for annihilation of an unacceptable characterist of the self.

Bus: symbolic for destiny and the need to consider in which direction to travel next. Interesting !

Maria said...

But... as it was you who was killed
I looked up Death: The end of a phase in life. Off with the old and on with the new.

This sounds more like it, as you say you went around saying good-bye to everyone.

Robert said...

Hi Maria

I'm not sure now, but I think I may have been around 16 when I had that dream.

I know that around the same age I had a dream that I was going to be married. I was terrified!

I often dream about trains, often putting in memories of train trips I had as a boy, trips to the seaside etc.

Apparently people often dream that they're being chased. I hardly ever dream that, except that I had a recurring dream, again when I was in my teens, that I was being chased by lots of people. But I wasn't anxious, because I could could easily dodge round each person who tried to catch me. It's strange, because I've never been an agile person. In my dream, if I saw someone who wanted to catch me coming towards me, I could deliberately run right up to them and then at the last minute change direction and dodge round them.

Maria said...

Oh okay. About trains:

The collective or individual journey through life. Travelling between stages and events.

That is a nice dream to have. About the Seaside: A vast emotional potential. I dream a lot about roses so I looked that one up and it comes as: Messages of love.

Robert said...

What do you dream about roses then, Maria?

I can't remember ever dreaming about roses, though there's an occasional dream in a garden.

Maria said...

Hi Robert,

I just see roses in my dreams.

Another strange recurrent dream I had when I was young, was a big white ship on the sea and a sailor dressed all in white sitting on the sand looking at this ship and when I got closer to see the sailor. He looked exactly like me !

Robert said...

Maria, maybe this was you telling yourself that you wanted to travel. You were on the beach and wishing you could be on the ship.

Maria said...

Yes, that's exactly right. Even the sight of a ship makes me day-dream of far away places, depending on the ship, I can imagine myself going somewhere different. There is something about a ship that transports your imagination to other lands.