Tuesday, 19 January 2010

Haiti Earthquake

France has accused the U.S. of occupying Haiti on Monday as thousands of American troops flooded into the country to take charge of aid efforts. Medicine Sans Frontiers was warned that is running short of vital medical supplies in the ground after five of its cargo planes were barred from landing in Haiti by the U.S. authorities. The U.S. military who are controlling the airport in Port-au-Prince, Haiti's capital have agreed to prioritise the landing of humanitarian aid flights, over military reinforcements as the needs for supplies grows ever more desperate. France has critized U.S. relief efforts in Haiti claiming the aid programmes should be about helping the country, not occupying it.


dougie said...

The publics money isnt safe in ANYONES paws!
It seems Bush cant win..if he fights for the wests freedom-hes wrong...if he collects for charity-hes wrong...do you really think that either bush or clinton needs extra income?
How much of the money any of the charities collect actually goes to the victims ?
The Usa is the biggest donator for natural relief funds ,how much did iraq or iran contribute to katrina i wonder? most likely fuck all i should think.
Bush is the best president they...ever had. history will show that to be true for the coming generations. me? id give none of em nuffink...the west helps out all these tin pot countries and gets nothing but abuse for it....let em starve i care not one bit.
like the bankers they take our money and laugh out loud at us.....i wouldnt donate the drippings off my nose.

Maria said...

Dougie unlike you, I think we have to give to those, who most need it. Since, if that earthquake had happened to us, we would also like it if other countries would come to help us too. And wrong! the U.S. is only ONE of many countries contributing for this disaster. I will place here the article that appeared today in my newspaper The Daily Telegraph as am sure you cannot get it in the U.S. where you live.


FRANCE accused the U.S. of occupying Haiti yesterday, as thousands of American troops entered the country to take charge of security and the distribution of aid. Alan Joyandet, the French minister in charge of humanitarian relief, called on the U.N. to clarify the American role following claims that the military built-up was hampering aid efforts.
Mr. Joyandet said he had been involved in a scuffle with a U.S. commander in the airport's control tower over the flight plan for a French plane arriving to evacuate victims of the devastating earthquake which struck the Caribbean country a week ago. "This is about helping Haiti, not about occupying Haiti" Mr. Joyandet said. The Geneva based charity Medicins Sans Frontieres backed the minister, saying that hundreds of lives were put at risk, because medical supplies were being turned away by American traffic controllers. The diplomatic row came amid claims that hundreds of tons of aid was not getting through.

U.S. soldiers had been told to be discreet with their M4 assault rifles. A paratrooper sergeant added that they had been authorised to use "deadly force" Capt. John Kirby, a spokesman for the joint task force at the airport, said the U.S. recognised that that it was only ONE of a number of countries contributing to a UN mission."

The trouble with you Dougie, is that because you only read U.S. propaganda, you are not aware about how many OTHER countries also contribute to the humanitarian aid. It is that blinkered notion that only the U.S. helps in a disaster that is wrong, and this is something only people like you, who only see life through their particular navel, think. Whilst everybody else who lives and breaths in this planet knows the the opposite to be the truth. Except of course, those very few, who only watch Fox News would have you believe.

Maria said...

There were also complaints from the Canadians because the U.S. army was only evacuating American citizens and putting a barrier for the Canadians and the French citizens not allowing them to leave Haiti but through pressure from the UN the U.S. army had to relent and let the other foreign nationals to leave the area as well.

There are criminals obviously. But I have to ask you something Dougie. In a disaster most people are NOT criminals and they would rather have food, water, tents and medical assistance, than soldiers with arms. THAT should have been the priority. I'm not saying that soldiers are not important too, what I'm saying is, that food, shelter, and medicines are THE priority. I mean... if you were in an earthquake what would you like to receive? soldiers? or food, medicine and water? as a priority. After SEVEN days without ANY of the above. Naturally you have to expect riots in the streets and looting too. They should have parachuted the supplies earlier, it is only today that it occured to them to do that. Dough !

dougie said...

In the case of a merica..they are damned if they do and damned if they dont.
If you dont have troops then the supplies will get in to the hands of strongest..i.e the gangs and criminals etc. so its not a case of either supplies or soldiers..you need both.
Its like having gas supplies ..they are no good if you havent got the gas pipes to transport it to the consumer.
For gods sake maria stop reading these anti-american rags,get a balanced view....dont look to your socialist friends you will find nothing of any worth there......ditto the bleeding hearts brigade........the two mentioned above are the prime reasons why britain -the world is so messed up...values are confused,the aggressor becomes the victim ...victim becomes the aggressor..everything is relative...get off your fat arse maria and look around you..your view is jaundiced....you,I and us owe so much to the united states,notwithstanding the many bad points about american society,they have been our saviours,without them i dread to think where we would be.....probabley forced into accepting cultural exchanges with afghanistan or forced into "hug a coon" ceremonies at knifepoint.

Maria said...

All I can do from my part, is to give more help the only way I can. This weekend I will give to Medicins Sans Frontieres which is another good charity too, which charity are you going to contribute too? I just hope that things get much better for all those in Haiti who have lost their families and homes. It must be really horrible to suddenly lose everything virtually overnight, no home, no family, it was devastating and remember that it is a conserted effort from many countries which includes Brazil, Chile, Venezuela, Mexico, Canada, Nicaragua, Australia,Francia even the Islamists have sent aid as well. Peru alone, contributed 100 tonns of medicines, in Spain, Rafael Nadal the famous tennis champion raised 139,000 Euros organazing a tennis match where all the proceeds went to the Disaster Fund. The Chinese sent massive help and they were the first ones to arrive in Haiti with aid. I think every country has helped, so this means, all the international community has helped too and the credit goes to all of them. Not to just one country. How are you going to help? have you given a donation yet?

dougie said...

How much am I going to doanate Maria? ...not one penny piece,charity begins at home.
Spain donated 139,000 euros ,as well as the 200 white flags?lets see 139,000 euros hmmm that should buy a cup of coffee and a hamburger for one of the aid organisers.
So if every country helped,why do you give credit to everyone except the Americans....why is it only America you criticise?
Why havent you accused the Chinese of invading Haiti as well?
When this country can provide its own citizens with adequate housing,proper and top of the range health care,to all its citizens and not just the immigrants,then,and only then might I encourage giving aid to other countries.
Its really quite laughable...a country such as ours, almost 1 trillion pounds in debt (and growing by the minute), a country which is borrowing 20 billion pounds a month just to remain anywhere remotely solvent, hands out aid (which costs money) to some bunch of voodoo worshipping hobbly de hois is frankly unbelievable.

Maria said...


Because you say only the U.S. is helping, when in fact, they have been accused of hampering vital medical supplies after FIVE of Medicins Sans Frontiers airplanes were barred from landing in Haiti by the U.S. authorities.

Well, I hope one day you don't end up in an earthquake rubble and have to ask for their help to get you out. Not only people from Haiti have died in this catastrophe, but from many other foreign nationals lost their lives too, including Americans, because like it or not, we live in a multi-cultural society. I know eight Chinese nationals died in that earthquake, Three Spanish have also died and about 37 from the U.N. have been unearthed dead as well. This is home, Dougie, our earth is our home, not some distant planet a zillion years away from earth.

Maria said...

It is heartening to know that people all over the world are helping in every way they can Haiti, in their hour of need.

In Spain, factory workers are working over time and also, on their free time and the money they raise for their extra-hours, will be all donated to Medecins Sans Frontieres. Anyone can donate on line at:


I know you won't donate a penny Dougie, because you have zero humanity in your heart. You need a heart transplant.

dougie said...

Heart transplant? some of us need a brain transplant.
we have a country where old people are dying of the cold..why? cos its too expensive
we have a country where its citizens cant be protected from thugs murders theives .why? cos its too expensicve to pay for sufficient police officers to patrol the streets.
we have a country where cancer sufferers are denied the proper drugs that can keep them alive..why? cos its too expensive
we live in a country where services are soon going to be cut to a level which will inflict severe pain on an awful lot of people....why? take a guess.
we live in a country which lets its soldiers die cos of lack of equiplment..why? cos again its too expensive

In short there is very little help (unless you are an immigrant) in any fashion shape or form..why? cos its too expensive

So weve ascertained that this country is on its knees financially and cant afford to support its own citizens ( the citizens who by the way are the very same citizens who fill the govts coffers with their hard earned money)
But in spite of this,it seems suddenly there is money to give to that mob in haiti(and mob is the operative word)
as for the spanish people working overtime for free..you state that as if its 100 per cent true ,when of course it isnt..just a few ,and lets face it the Spanish arent exactly the brightest bulbs in the box are they?
No doubt this will give our govt yet another reason to increase tax in one way or another,all to pay for their generous actions towards the voodoo priestesses and their machete weilding brethren.
Ever thought of giving a donation to something WORTHWHILE maria? like maybe that little old lady ,maybe living down the road who spends her evenings swaddled in blankets to keep out the cold,the same little old lady whos prob totally alone,no friends,no acquaintances ,no contact, cos nobody bloody cares.....of course not ,put yopur few pence in a collection box for some far away shithole like haiti ,then preen yourself as though your the farmers prize peacock......proud to help those people far away ,yet not give a shit about things closer to home?
But it salves the conscience doesnt it? Ive done my bit etc,so now you are entitled to ignore those things going on closer to home which you prefer to shut your eyes to. sometimes youre so full of shit its almost speaking the obvious.

Maria said...

Dougie, It is very rewarding and I wouldn't choose something to do that would harm people. For example, I wouldn't choose to be a soldier where innocent people will be killed. Equally, I wouldn't allow my son to become one, because I haven't brought up a child to become a legalized murderer in whatever guise you want to call it, legal or not. Neither would I choose to become an executioner or being a highway murderer because to my eyes, there is no difference, murder is still murder.

Leonardo di Caprio just gave a million dollars for the Haiti earthquake aid, as a whole lot of actors and singers too. Amongst them Madonna, Sting, Jennifer Anniston, Julia Roberts, George Clooney, Bruce Springsteen, Stevie Wonder, Nicole Kidman, Cristina Aguilera,Jack Nicholson, Mel Gibson, Shakira and many more people who were even manning the phones. Wyclef Jean, closed the event, wearing the Haitian flag around his neck, singing a few phrases from the reggae classic Rivers of Babylon before delivering a Creole version of his song Yele, written in the style of the Haitian folk music called racine. So you are out of sync, Dougie. You have to stop that hate inside you, because it will eventually destroy you.

dougie said...
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dougie said...
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Maria said...

The comments were deleted because I will not be tolerate hate in my blog. There is no room for it here. To become bitter or indulge in a hate campaign, to retaliate with bitterness would do nothing but intensify the hate in the world. Along the way of life; someone must have sense enough and morality enough, to cut off the chain of hate. This can be done only by projecting the ethics of love to the centre of our lives.

Maria said...

Go in peace Dougie. As this is my blog, I can talk about Leonardo if I please. Take care and farewell.