Friday, 30 April 2010

Fame Or Infamy book by Stephen Powell

I'm looking forward to reading Fame or Infamy about the JTR dairy saga. With credits to Celtic Research. BTW... yesterday we had the meeting with the producers for the fifth series of ' Heir Hunters' and we were informed that the viewing was high so this is why they will produce another series. Also, the BBC has the ability to monitor when people see the programme at the beginning, middle and end. The good news is that people watched it from beginning to end without flicking the channel for another one, that is excellent news, to have people glued to the television when we appear. All in all, the horizon is looking good. In this series we will be allowed more time to shoot it which will begin soon and this new series will be shown by the end of January on BBC 1 so.. put it in your calendar. Anyway... going back to Stephen Powell's book I will be interested in reading the contents.


Robert said...

Your copy arrived then, Matia? Now you'll be able to see what all the fuss was about.

That's the thing about HH, they lure people into the stories so that they want to see how it all turns out. I think that as time passes, the element of racing will diminish, because one race is much like another, and the actual stories will be more important - separated familes, illegitimate children, adoptions, all that kind of thing. This is already happening. The human interest side of it will always be a crowd-puller.

Maria said...

Yeap. Absolutely right Robert it is precisely the human side that interests people. The competive side was left ages ago, at least in our section; this is why we are being watched more than Fraser and Fraser..
whilst they are still doing the rat race, we are concentrating in the human side. Besides, people identify themselves with these very real stories and they might even see someone they know of, or knew about on T.V. since we are, after all an island. My neighbour Helen recognized someone she used to work for in one of the stories and she said, she hadn't known that interesting side of her employer.

My copy has not arrived yet. I only bought it yesterday as I'm not allowed to write on the Jack the ripper casebook. Everyone who gangs up on the Ally-gator's bandwagon to attacking this book, is immediatelly rewarded with a "Premium" sign by Ally, just like you do with the dogs in a pedigree contest and people like Caz, just laps it all up!

Robert said...

It's a kind of oral history, which has come increasingly to the fore in recent years - people are interviewed about a particular event, say, the Blitz or the Lynemouth flood disaster, and some valuable memories are preserved on film. I'm sure that this kind of thing - oral history, Heir Hunters etc - gives much more of an insight into people's lives than soap operas and game shows.

Maria said...

Yes, because its not fictional but fact with an insight of why things in history ended up affecting people's lives. The story of the Ukranian for example, who ended up living in Wales when Stalin had all his homeland crops destroyed, creating a famine of epic proportions which in turn made our decesead Ukranian escape that horror and live a secret life here. That secret was revealed- he had joined Stalin's enemy -Hitler- who in turn was our enemy. Its incredible how certain events in history change people's life in a radical way. The poor chap couldn't even contact his sister again after the second world war for fear of reprisals from the Stalin regime. So he died here, all alone and his surviving sibling thought he had died many years ago, a real tragedy and its all the fault of these political monsters who get into power wielding untold misery onto the innocent population.

Robert said...

Yes, amazing how much suffering people with brains no bigger than peas have caused - Hitler, Stalin, Lenin, Mao tse Tung, Pol Pot....the list is endless.

I would sit them all down in a room and make them copy out the entire Encyclopedia Britannica (without any errors). It might teach them something about self-discipline.

Maria said...

Hi Robert,
Only 4 days to go before we get our hung parliament, still, it could be a Hun parliament and then we would really be bossed around by the Germans! Good old German discipline the Greeks are now going to find out how a country should be run. I doubt very much they will be given all these money without the Germans telling them exactly how it should be spent. I'm looking forward to see that happening. Ethiopia doesn't get such generous chance to prop up their economy. The Greeks should be grateful they are getting all this money to rebuild their country. Can you imagine that they still want the Elgian Marbles back?
Ha,ha,ha. Better off where they are at the moment.

Robert said...

Hi Maria

Yes, the Greeks have certainly lost their marbles!

The Germans have nightmares about a bad economy, especially a weak currency, because of the scars left by the hyperinflation of 1923.I think they'll be quite strict with the Greeks. Afterwards, of course, it might be the other way round. It's the old joke, if you owe your bank a thousand pounds, you're in trouble. If you owe your bank a billion pounds, it's the bank that's in trouble.

Maria said...

Ha,ha,ha, that's so witty and funny!
Well, I hope they recover their mental marbles. The other ones, we won't give back. If it hadn't been for Lord Elgin, this is time said marbles would have been dust! The Greeks were storing them in a depo ammunition. They have to get over it and accept the marbles were saved by the British, if they want to see them they can come to London. This was like if you had throw them for the bin man and later on, became aware of their value. I would say.. tough luck! The Greeks should accept the money without the riots, tighten their belts and follow the Germans advice how they want it to be spent. The only worrying thing is..that the politicians who squandered it are going to be the same ones to receive all this cash, that's the only bit I don't like. Someone else should be in charge with this huge responsibility.

Maria said...

I hope I get Stephen Powell's book in time before my trip. I see that the first nasty comment has been written in the Jack the ripper casebook on the Book section, non fiction part and let's face it, he was having his book slated BEFORE the book was published now that it is on print.. he won't get a good review even if he was Shakespere!

Maria said...

Two more days before the election. It shows how out of touch the Labour Party is to enlist Tony Blair to help them out with the campaign. He is the most reviled Prime Minister the U.K. ever had the misfortune to have. Quite rightly, Labour is trailing third in the polls. I still can't believe how can anyone in their right mind will still vote for Labour but incredibly.. they seem to have their supporters. Terribly gullible people or stupid people will vote Labour.

Anonymous said...

Hello Maria and Robert,

I guess it will be Hello
and Bon Voyage Maria .. have a wonderful trip and we will look forward to hearing about it on your return.

The book I think takes about 5-6 days from the order and then the shipping times.
I totally agree with your sentiments Maria on the Elgin Marbles ..

I hope all is well with you Robert.

Maria said...

Welcome back Victoria !

Yes, it looks like Stephen's book won't be here until our return but at least it will be great to have something to look forward to, when we come back. By the way, Robert is fine and healthy but his computer is sick! so I hope the computer glitches will get fixed really soon. In the meantime, I take the opportunity to thank you both for your kind wishes. No doubt I will have a lot to tell from our adventures when we return
Bye for now and my best wishes to you both.

Maria said...

Reading the Jack the ripper casebook about Stephen's book. Caz with her characteristic lack of logic writes that Stephen should have recorded what was to come some 30 years ago. As though everyone else has her psychic abilites to predict the future. In hindsight.. I would have bought the lottery tickets with the jack-pot numbers. I would have bought a thousand Beatles albums too and a thousand Barbies as well. Only if I had known these would be regarded as valuable! Caroline Morris never ceases to amaze me for her illogical thoughts. The woman is as dumb as a brick!

Maria said...

Just another thing..Its funny how they have gone to buy the book. I don't believe Stephen has put a gun on their heads to acquire his book.

Afterwards Carolina Morris aka Caz writes that she borrowed the book. How dumb does she think we are. As the book only came a few days ago, I doubt very much that anyone would buy a book to immediatelly lend it to her without reading it first. The chances are.. that Caz bought her OWN book but its too shy to admit it.

Anonymous said...

Hello Maria,

that was hilarious .. and so true.
I might just adapt that 'logic' of yours into a post to Caz.

BON VOYAGE .. a safe and happy holiday to you and Peter.

Maria said...

Hi Victoria, By all means! ask the silly psychic cow what she has to say about that. Also, anyone with two pea brains, should see that your account and computer ID is completely different from Stephen's because he has been banned and you haven't. Of course, Ally-gator won't come there to clarify that point out because she is more interested in having her "Premium" dogs believe all kinds of crazy things. It doesn't matter if these are untrue, so long as it takes away credibility to Stephen's book and that is low and cheap. But then Ally is low and cheap! Thank you for the kind wishes and now am really off !

Maria said...

Stephen's book arrived exactly on my birthday and I look forward to reading it all. My day was super! Our friend Carlo came from Italy with his pal Nicholas so I spent my birthday with three good looking guys. Am I lucky or what ?

Maria said...

Having a lot of fun here, reading the confused mind of a confused woman. On one instance, Caroline Morris calls us professionals but just before that, she calls us "rubbish" sources. Forgetting that she included Peter in "her" own book to give it a veneer of credibility! Then another bias person who styles himself as a Sir Robert but in real life he is not a Sir. He says that having the Birchwood's in Stephen Powell's book was "unfortuitous" It didn't seem "unfortuitous" at the time, when the author Stewart P. Evans used our company for the research of his Three books. Isn't that bias from "Sir" Robert or what? They are plainly being unfair to Stephen Powell's book: "Fame Or Infamy"

Maria said...

Ha,ha,ha try to get yourself out of that one Caroline Morris. You used the Birchwoods to add credibility to "your" book when it suited you.
and I put "your" because you never wrote a single word. Your only part in it was to provide the photocopies from on the boards, any monkey could have done that! and as a thank you, the real authors included your name on the cover. You can fool other people Caroline Morris but you and I know perfectly well the truth, you are no author. You wish you were and are deluding yourself, you have fantasies about it, but you are no author.

Maria said...

I think the confused and unwell woman is you Caroline, not me.

Maria said...

Another thing I wanted to make absolutely clear is that I have NEVER met Caroline Morris personally. I have only known about her because of the constant internet attacks she seems to indulge in. Her latest fantasy is that she has met me "personally" Not true.

Maria said...

Live and learn. Beware of these Jack the Ripper sites as it was recently written in the press that the latest serial killer in Britain was writing in one of these sites. There is an indepth article titled: 'Loner Who Created A Dark And Disturbing Alter Ego In Cyberspace.' written by Paul Harris from the Daily Mail, in here, he shows how this latest serial killer self styled, 'The Crossbow Cannival', told a neighbour he was studying Jack The Ripper reading these sites 7 days a week and to be frank, in my short spell in there, I found disturbing personalities with serious mental problems. So I would advise anyone not to ever get involved in those ripper sites, whether it is in a professional capacity or for leisure. It simply is not worth it. Anyhow.. you have to think that there has to be something seriously wrong mentally with those people by spending so much of their time discussing about murder. A lot of them are unemployed people, living on benefits.