Tuesday, 29 June 2010

Fame Or Infamy book by Stephen Powell

I have been reading this book and I'm savouring each page. It is not a book to devour in one go. I have to say that Steve's early experience as a musician has a real pull; it draws you in and it would strike a chord on anyone who wants to do something with their life, specially in the music field. It gives a very interesting glimpse of how it all works from his personal experiencies, that is, from the eyes of a musician. Steve writes very well and I have been impressed about his style of writing since it is not about whether a comma or an apostrophe is in the right place but more importantly how it makes the reader feel when you read it and that for me is the mark of a real writer. I know many people who can put their commas and apostrophies in the right place but who have absolutely nothing INTERESTING to say.

It is not important either, if its a Jack the ripper diary hoax or the Hitler diaries hoax that his misguided friend Park was trying to forge as that was in itself stupid, dishonest and not interesting. The best part of this book is when Steve Powell describes the juncture that every human being has to cross in their lives as he was striving to succeed in his devotion for music, that I found really interesting, and his music is very good, with a lot of people admiring it in real life. Maybe Steve should try to market his book to the music industry. It really is a very interesting Australian story.


Robert said...

Maria I think Bruce Paley, who wrote the book about Joe Barnett, was another one with a musical background - a music critic, i think.

Maria said...

Hi Robert, the only Bruce Paley I came across in the Google is the author of "The Simple Truth" can you tell us what that is about?

Robert said...

Maria, it's the classic statement of the case for Joe Barnett, Kelly's boyfriend, being the murderer. Although not many agree with the conclusion, the book is well-respected for its research.

Maria said...

They wouldn't agree with the conclusion if its a rival claim. Would they ? I like that book and that seems more plausible since a lot of murders are passional in nature. Take for instance this one that happened just a few days ago. The Moat case. The boyfriend tried to kill his ex-girlfriend and just managed to kill her new lover. This book by Stephen Powell is so interesting it is a very good read.

Robert said...

I don't go along with it being Barnett though, Maria. Take the crime of passion argument : Paley argues that Joe Barnett killed Kelly as a crime of passion, but that he killed all the previous women to scare her off the streets. Well, that's the exact opposite - that's cool and calculating. So to me, it doesn't fit.

Maria said...

Yes, the theory is a bit strange. Usually passional killings are more obsessed with one person and it doesn't involve killing a few more unrelated persons. But having said that, there was a crazy man who tried to kill president Reagan to impress an actress -Jodie Foster- who he had been stalking in a disturbing way and it wasn't until this man shot the president, that the authorities took her complaints seriously regarding this man so she was able to convince the police that the man was a dangerous menace to her. It really is difficult to imagine what goes on in the head of a disturbed mind or why they do things the way they do.

Robert said...

Yes, good point. I think the contrast between cool-calculating and passion, comes out in another way in Paley's theory, and that is, there seems to have been a mixed psychological motive, i.e. if the murders were committed to scare Kelly off the streets, then it has to be said that the killer also enjoyed the murders for their own sake, particularly if you include Kelly's murder. There was too much mutilation. It's like the theory that Jack was a social reformer, trying to draw attention to the slums. Well, if he was, then he was also a pretty perverted social reformer, because he seemed to enjoy the butchery. In a way, it's simpler just to say that Jack was a murderer with an interst in politics, or Barnett was a murderer who happened to live with Kelly.

Maria said...

Who can forget the American soldiers grinning to the cameras in Guantanamo whilst they were torturing prisoners ? They were enjoying every minute of it.

Maria said...

The truth of the matter with casebook is that there is a clique of writers who are entrenched in their own views and anyone else's are not taken into consideration. Often, animosity rules over reason. They wrongly feel that just by excluding you, you do not exist and your views can be safely ignored even if these views come with documented evidence.

Maria said...

people at casebook Jack the ripper always wish to have their words taken as gospel truth, even if its far from the truth and it doesn't matter if the evidence proves to the contrary and its in direct opposition to their nonsensical beliefs. For instance.. Caroline Anne Morris from casebook Jack the ripper is now saying that Victoria doesn't exist and that she is a product of Steve's Powell imagination.. but alas! I met Victoria in London only last week. Here she is, this is her photo..but of course, such little findings will be considered "arrogant" by those who cannot stand their silly beliefs to be disturbed. Disturbed minds? you bet.

Robert said...

Nice to see these photos. My own photo is somewhat old - it's black and white - but I think I can say I haven't changed a bit, except that the hat is a bit more battered nowadays.

Maria said...

Robert, so you don't believe that this is Victoria then. How disappointing. Maybe that is not Peter and that is not me either even though we have appeared on T.V. and many people have seen us.

Robert said...

Maria, of course it's Victoria!

Maria said...

Robert I have veriefied Victoria's address aswell. As things stand right now.. as I have never met you personally before, although I do know you exist because I have veriefied your address and I have your phone number plus I have spoken with you on the phone twice. Caroline Anne Morris from casebook Jack the ripper is a a big Liar. Of course, she would prefer it if Victoria didn't exist at all as this wouldn't agree with all the other lies she has fed others in "her" book. She got this and other matters completely wrong in order to make her tale fit.

Anonymous said...

Hello Maria and Robert,
Greetings from not so far away ..

Mind you it is so hot here, I am looking forward to returning to my own cooler climate!
But I am very much enjoying the sights and things that your great country has to offer.

Maria my thanks to you and Peter for making my birthday so special with your very generous hospitality.
I appreciate that you made the trip to London especially to meet me .. Maybe it was really just to see if I do exist lol!

It was lovely to meet you both at last, and I enjoyed your company very much.
I am thinking of doing the Jack the Ripper walk as well while I am here, should be interesting.

Maria said...

Oh what a surprise!! Greetings to you Victoria. Please be assured that we didn't do the trip all the way to London just to see whether you existed, I KNEW that long before we met, when someone calling herself Mrs. Perfect called you at your home in Australia and through our private correspondence over nearly two years now of writing to each other, where we have shared so much and uncannily we have a lot of things in common that is just quite amazing! The picture doesn't do you any justice but it has your lovely friendly smile and I wanted to show it before the people at nut-casebook start saying that I'm talking to myself on the guise of Victoria. These people are sooo.. crazy that they can be easily led Caroline Morris' by misguided gossip. She is not a well woman. Poor devil.

Maria said...

It would be interesting if you can do the JTR walk with Don Rumbellow I have met him twice and he can be very charming and entertaining. Be sure to get him because I know there are others who also do this walk as well and maybe go with someone else as it might be too frightening coming back alone after such a scary tale in the dark.

I also wanted to say that it was a real pleasure for me to have finally met with you. We enjoyed it enormously and to be able to catch up on things. I will give you a call tomorrow.

Robert said...

Hallo Victoria

Yes, it is hot here. it's so hot that the glue holding Keith Richard together has started to melt.

You'd enjoy a Ripper tour. Another good place to visit is the John Soane museum in Holborn. It's only a small place but it's uncanny how much he packed into it.

I find that I can keep myself in existence by going around muttering "cogito ergo sum." However, on one occasion I forgot to do it, and disappeared for three months.

Maria said...

Hello Victoria & Robert,
Well in that case I'm very lucky, since it's cool in Wales. Maybe it is because we have forests, mountains and rivers here. When I'm at home I wear a light summer sweater and at noon, the temperature is just perfect! Not hot nor cold. Just right. The temperature was a bit warmer in Shrewsbury today, but very nice with a pleasant breeze. I should have worn my sandals!

Maria said...

These people at casebook jack the ripper have theories that no one can change, even if you have evidence to the contrary, it doesn't matter how solid your evidence is, if you dare to contradict them, they will try to discredit you for daring to contradict them. They are incapable of accepting any evidence, even if it was a snake that was bitting them in the nose !

For instance, Caroline Morris is saying Victoria doesn't exist, that she only exists in the mind of the author Stephen Powell. Well, I have met Victoria in London, I know where she lives there, her house is in her name, she is tangible. Yet there is a woman by the name of Caroline Morris who has made it her business to convince the gullible that Victoria doesn't exist! So I suppose any evidence to the contrary would be considered as "arrogant"

Robert said...

I'm not wearing a sweater. In fact, it's so hot that I have been going about without my anorak.

Maria said...

I'm nearly finishing this book where Stephen goes on one of the Jack the ripper walks and he meets Don Rumbellow.
I don't understand why Stewart Evans doesn't remember telling us that Paul Felman went to Australia. Peter and I remember it very well. Stewart said that Feldman was at that conference when in reality.. Feldman wasn't there. When I asked Peter about this he replied: " I would have remembered if Feldman had been there, if he had gone I would have remembered that." and all was to do because we were commenting that Melvin Harris hadn't attended the conference because he hated the sight of Feldman if Melvin had known that Feldman wasn't going to the conference then Melvin probably would have gone. So both men didn't attend the conference.
There is something not quite right and the reason I can see is that people were out to make money from selling books writing around the diary. I just remember it so well and that certainly stuck in my mind because I couldn't understand what Australia had to do with the Jack the ripper diary saga..at the time, I asked Peter what did Australia had to do with a murder that happened in England more than a hundred years ago? and what was the fuss about this guy Paul Felman who went to Australia? I found the whole thing puzzling and Peter explained to me that this Paul Feldman had published a book about the JTR diary. Although what Stewart told us was that Paul Feldman had gone to Australia regarding something to do with avoiding the tax-man.
Also, Anne Graham went to Australia as a nurse working in a hospital in Sydney plus the Victoria verses that Stephen unwittingly composed for the diary appeared in the diary too. This is why Caroline is so desperate to even acknowledge that Victoria really exists. Caroline doesn't want to see that all that ties up and that Victoria is a witness about the existence of Park and the mint band etc. Caroline doesn't want any witnesses because she wants just to say that Stephen is lying about the whole thing. No Victoria no nothing. That is why now there is a ploy to discredit me on the boards. But its not going to work because who is after all Caroline Morris ?? At least we are reputable in our findings and how we do our research. Most of the ripper books are pure tosh. Every suspect is made to fit the bill and most of them have embelishments to make them look very convincing to public Joe.