Monday, 16 August 2010

Naomi Campbell

Which is a woman's worst enemy ? Answer, another woman. You only have to read Jan Moir from the Daily Mail to see what I mean. Jan Moir writes: " However, what I recall most about that day -when she met Naomi- apart from Naomi's whiny self-justification was the fact that she ate only a plum and went a bit bonkers when she discovered she had lost one of her emerald earrings. ' I'm going back, I'm going to retrace my steps every inch of the way of the way. I've only had those earrings for two days', she cried, as her limo did a screeching U-turn on Park Lane and we sped back to her hotel suite. ' I'm going to my hotel room to walk over every inch of carpet to find it', she declared - which is exactly what she did. Everyone else just had to sit downstairs and wait for hours. So don't tell me that Naomi is not a woman with a keen interest in jewels or who does not appreciate their value or worth. Then Jan Moir writes: 'One might have thought that Naomi would have been pleased to assist in such a serious and solemn matter'

First of all, I haven't met a woman who doesn't like jewelry. I haven't met one who doesn't.
In fact, there is a song that says: ' Diamonds Are A Girl's Best Friend' because we love them. To point her out, as if she is sinful for appreciating jewels is silly. Maybe is cheer envy why other women write such bitchy articles because Naomi can afford to get the most fabulous jewels that anyone can imagine but in Naomi's case, no doubt companies will fall over themselves to sign her to model their jewels. Don't be surprised if Naomi suddenly appears modelling for Garrard's or Tiffany's or any of those powerful companies. It is after all, those companies who should make sure how those diamonds are extracted. No use critisezing her.

On Jan Moir's last bit ' One might have thought that Naomi would have been pleased to assist in such a serious and solemn matter.' Well, no. A powerful man like Charles Taylor no doubt still could send around one of his henchmen to kill whoever testifies against him. So I can understand why Naomi wouldn't have been thrilled to testify. In cases like such, the police usually change the name and addresses of the witnesses.


Robert said...

Hi Maria

I'm not exactly well-informed when it comes to jewellery or fashion. I don't notice these things. But it is true, I think, thsat women can be worse enemies than men, and that is because a woman knows exactly where to stick the knife into another woman. Even if a man by chance finds a vulnerable spot, the woman can think "What does he know?" But if a woman says something, other women sit up and take notice.

I've also heard it said that women don't dress to please themselves, or men, but other women.

Maria said...

Mmm. Yes, this is true. One of the most horrible things I have noticed is when they go to church. They eat each other up with: " Did you see what so and so was wearing ? " No. I didn't noticed. I tend to look at the person, the smile or demeanor not the clothes. What I like about men, is that they do not complicate their lives. Most of them -if they are married- just wear their wedding ring and nothing else. They don't wear uncomfortable high heels or painful earrings, nor a different colour handbag for every occassion and their dress code is simplicity itself. Coco Channell admired this simplicity in men's attire in an age whem women wore long trail dresses.. some women went to the extent of having their ribs cut off to have a bee waist! and quite a few died in the operation just for fashion. A man would never be so stupid to do that.

Robert said...

Maria, can you clear up a mystery for me : why do women, who seem to spend large amounts of time dieting and trying to look smaller, wear high heeled shoes so they can look taller? It doesn't seem to make sense.

Maria said...

I know I'm one and should be able to provide you with a logical answer but there isn't one. We might as well walk around on stilts !

You only have to look at some Muslim women who walk around with a a black blanket over their heads with just two slits around the eyes to see where they are going. The last time we were in a London restaurant, one of these specimens walked in with her family, in a really hot summer's day and I was very curious how this woman was going to eat her food with that thick black blanket over her head. Curiously too.. it is British women that are not subjeted to this torture who are the first ones to defend such an illogical attire of dressing. See if their men are dumb enough to wear this? Of course not!

Robert said...

Well, I don't like to be encumbered when I'm out, so I rarely carry an umbrella. When I get to a checkout, rather than rummaging around to try to pay the exact sum in change, as women do, I find it's easier for me to just hand over a note. Of course, eventually the change has to be got rid of but I manage that. I never have those cards that all the women seem to fiddle around with at checkouts.

Yes, I don't know how women eat through a veil. Drink, yes, because they can use a straw!

Maria said...

Robert, the veil goes from the bridge of the nose to their feet. Not to leave you in suspence of how that woman ate her meal..Oh I think I will leave you in suspense..ha,ha.

It doesn't really matter in which country we women are, or which century it is, we always seem to invent fashions that are a) either terribly painful b)impractical..
Take this tribe in New Zealand where the women put metal rings around their necks. I do they sleep? Or an African tribe where they stretch their lower lip to look like a plate! It looks horrible and is very painful and extremely impractical to eat or to drink anything.
About the cards.. I don't use those super-market cards because the super-market wants to know all your bank details and really you don't know who will be looking at this confidential details. So no.

Robert said...

Hi Maria

The psychology seems to be, "I've got to stand out from the crowd." So they wear colourful clothes. If you look at the House of Commons, you could tell which MPs are the women, even if you couldn't see their faces. They're the ones in reds and blues and greens and yellows, while the men wear suits.

Then I think the idea is to wear something that costs a lot, because it makes them feel that they're worth it. It boosts their self-esteem. I believe that sometimes women pay more for the shape of a perfume bottle than for the perfume itself!

Advertisers seem to know how to get under women's skins. There was one a few years back, showing a woman making sandwiches for her children, and the slogan was "Don't cheat on the cheese." In other words, use plenty of cheese or else you're cheating your kids. Brilliant slogan.

Maria said...

Yes, I'm afraid this is true. Women fall easily for adverts and the worst are in fashion magazines which sell expensive bottles of perfume or "rejuvenating" creams which are cheap to make but the containers or bottles are expensive. The impossibly thin models have turned a lot of girls and women to go hungry to achieve the Twiggy look where they go so thin, that they don't know when to stop and some die of anorexia. Today, it was in the news that Morocco which is a Muslim country is planning on banning the bhurka otherwise known as nicab and already there are women protesting against the measure.

Robert said...

Yes Maria, this cult of thinness is very dangerous, and the recent obsession with so-called obesity won't help either. Too many females think they're overweight and go to desperate lengths to get thin. I think there are too many females who are desperate to cram food into the mouths of their husband, children and so on, but never into their own mouths.

Teenage girls seem to be particular weight worriers. I suppose it's about self-confidence etc. But surely teenagers often have what's called puppy fat. I know I did. I was occasionally called fat and I didn't like it, but I didn't go on any diets. Now I find I can eat anything without gaining an ounce.

Maria said...

Yes, It has to do with lack of confidence, this thin craze. We see women who have dark hair dying it blond and when they have it gray they start dying it dark! It all has to do with lack of confidence and wanting to have an often unrealistic look to attract attention like having tatooes or drilling their nose to stick studs, some people and this goes for men, even stick studs on the tounge! that has to be awfully painful if not downright stupid and dangerous. I know that in Elizabethan times having your teeth black was a fashion because only the wealthy people could afford to buy sugar which produces cavities. Can you imagine that? cavities and rotten teeth being a fashion?

Robert said...

I hate all those tattoos and studs. I don't know what's going through their minds. Weird!

Maria said...

Another thing that I resent from women is the whining! I know that I'm one but that doesn't stop me from disliking their most annoying traits. For instance, women whine for things that ultimately are their own choice, nobody has told them to enlist as soldiers of an invading force, consequently if they get shot at, there is no use complaining. The same way if they cross the rail-way line just as the train is about to pass at full speed, whose fault is it if they lose a leg? Blame the train? No. you take responsibility for your own actions.

Robert said...

It's nagging that gets me. A chap doesn't want to be nagged.

I do believe that in many ways women are more thoughtful than men - they chew things over in their minds. However, one of the directions their thoughts turn to, is nagging.

Maria said...

It just seems to me that we are just constantly trying to catch up with men. For instance, women have never pencil in their names to be in a submarine for six months. Being in a submarine means having to breath recycled air and being cooped up without natural sun for six months. We haven't been that stupid to do that yet. At the moment, we seem to be trying to get enlisted in the front line. The Ministry of Defense state that the differences in sheer physical strength between men and women mean that only 0.1% of female applicants, and 1% of trained women soldiers, could meet the lifting, carrying, load marching and combat requirements that are the bread and butter of British Infantry life. I mean..why try to be like a man? men are not trying to compete with us in giving birth to a baby.

Maria said...

Nagging is the last recourse! I do nag Peter when nothing else will work. I hate doing this but for me it is the last attempt when everything else fails. I fret every time he gets a funny unnatural mole on his skin. I had been worrying about one particular mole and as nothing else persuaded him that he had to have that checked. I nagged and nagged him until we went to see the specialist and it gave the expert cause for concern. The mole its now in the lab and we get the result in two weeks time. See.. I was right and in this instance nagging helped me to get my objectives.

Robert said...

You were right to be worried about the mole, I admit that.

Maria said...

But I also admit that nagging is a childish thing to do and we only do it because we know we can get away with it.

I notice that when men see there is something that is opposite to what they want, their reaction is to keep quiet and then they think over how they are going to get around the obstacle and when they are ready, they subtly persuade us to change our minds. It usually involves good sensible reasoning.

I find that men brew their discontents for a long time and they make you aware there is this nagging feeling they have, so I relent only so that he doesn't feel he is missing out. Peter mentioned a few months ago how he would like to go and see a stock car race. There aren't any that close around here and I am not that crazy about going either. Peter knows that I enjoy watching Jeremy Clarkson on Top Gear, so he has booked us into going to see that show live down in London. This way, Peter will do something he has been wanting to do for ages and he also knows that I will also enjoy it as well.

Robert said...

Maria, there's something in the news at the moment about Top Gear. Something about the Stig's identity being revealed.

Maria said...

Oh yes Robert, Apparently the Stig wants to write his memoirs and naturally he will tell us who he is but apparently, his contract with the BBC was that he couldn't reveal his identity. So there is a row about it.

Robert said...

My nephew is a big fan of this show, but as I am not a driver, I tend not to see it.

I think vintage cars are interesting, though.

Anonymous said...

Hello Maria and Robert,
I know what to do here now ..
previously I was always logged on already, but for some reason I have not been. So it is a simple matter of logging into the google account .. I was doing anything and everything else but that.

yes you should enjoy the Top Gear live show, James bought tickets for Dennis and my brother Michael the other xmas ..the three of them went and loved it.

Robert said...

Hi Victoria

Good to have you back.

Maria said...

A warm welcome back Victoria is lovely to have you all the way from Australia. Mmm.. I wasn't aware that Top Gear is shown in Australia as well. I think that the three guys are fun to watch and make driving interesting. Before To Gear these motoring shows were rather technical and boring but Jeremy Clarkson, James May and Richard Hammond have made it exciting and fun to watch, although I do suffer when they are made to do stunts that will put their lives in peril and I do worry rather than enjoy it when its too dangerous and fool hardy. Apart from that, yes I love the show. Perhaps if our series 'Heir Hunters' catches on, who knows? maybe Jeremy will invite our Peter to do a lap on his series. Ha,ha,

Anonymous said...

Hello Maria and Robert,

on the driving theme, I think everyone that learns to drive should do at least one of those 'advanced driver courses'
They are excellent in other skills
on the road (not normally taught) and point out many misconceptions.
I have done a few, and I took my son ..who I taught to drive, but since then he has managed to wipe out two cars. It is impressive to have professional drivers point out the same things that you tell them ..they seem to take more notice of them.
Also such fun to speed on a track,
and weave between the witches hats!
I come from a family that loved their cars .. at one stage it was a house full of mini minors.
Have you ever learned to drive Robert?
Never too late ...

Robert said...

Victoria, no, I never learned to drive. I was apparently very skilful in my pedal car, reversing it into the garage etc. But that's where my experience stopped.

The only vehicle I can see myself on, is a motorbike, but I don't suppose that would ever happen.

Maria said...

Hello Victoria and Robert, I think its easier to drive a car Robert. Just remember how Peter got his kidney! Yeap. Someone died in a motorcycle. I thanked the family for having donated their son's kidney to Peter but they never replied. A car has 4 wheels, no chance of falling off and braking a leg.

Victoria, Peter has had an invitation to do an off road with his new Land Rover and it involves driving up a cliff at ninety degrees. A couple of friends of ours told us that two women who went up the hill in a previous course were told not to change gears nor stop on the way up the hill but they did and the car plunged down the cliff and both died. So I cancelled Peter's invitation.

I love driving very fast. I had the chance to drive 140 kms an hour in the autobahn in Germany when I bought my BMW. Over here in the U.K. the speed limit is only 70 miles an hour.

Anonymous said...

Hello Maria and Robert,

just reading your post Robert, reminded me of my dream last night.
It was of having a 'Vespa' motorbike .. I was very much enjoying zipping around on it. It was a beige colour .. not the colour I would normally choose for one of those.
My father being a policeman would never let any of us have or go on a motorbike.
Mind you when he was young ..
I have photos of him on more than one bike!
It was because of all the horrific accidents he had seen ..and a bike having no protection.
My then boyfriend came to our house one day with a surprise ..he had bought a motorbike and two helmets. Not a big powerful bike ..just a modest thing. His thought was that he could now pick me up to go out instead of using my car .. which I thought was wonderfuland thoughtful.
My parents were less than impressed and let us both know the situation and at 19, I was forebade to go on the bike.
It did not stop us however, when they were not there, or I could just drive my car somewhere and hop on the bike.

You can now pay to go on a ride on a Harley Davidson with a real 'bikie' and have a few pics taken .. a cheaper 'thrill' ride than a helicopter!

Maria said...

Hi Victoria and Robert, since you are both interested in motorcycles I will publish a wonderful story that our friend and neighbour from California wrote to us. That was a strange dream you had Victoria. I wonder what it means to dream with a motorcycle. I will study it from my book of dreams but at first glance it seems to me in a word: Freedom.

In one of the Heir Hunter's show that one one of our colleagues presented an elderly 80 year old heir was asked what did she wanted to do with the money? and she replied she had always dreamed to go up on a helicopter ride and she was filmed having the time of her life in the helicopter. Its just nice when people are able to fulfill their dreams.

Maria said...

Victoria I have found out what it means to dream with motorcyles. It means: Destiny. Life is speeding up considerably.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for that Maria,

when I wrote the post I left out how I felt, because I thought it sounded stupid .. but I did have a great sense of freedom with it.

Now you are saying Destiny .. the plot thickens!!
Life speeding up certainly is, I can't keep up, it is running ahead lol!

Nice story of the helicopter ride, I have always wanted to go on one but have a fear of it .. after a couple of light aircraft scares over central Australia with wind turbulance. I prefer large aircraft!

Maria said...

Victoria, I have to say I don't blame you! light aircraft feels as though your feet are in the air and the noise was infernal. We hired one to fly us over to Oxford when Peter had his kidney transplant the view was magnificent. The Cessna's light air-craft are usually the ones that fall out of the sky.

Robert, why don't you just take some motorcycle classes? You have been saying for a long time how you would to do this, maybe just going around a track and get the hang of it to see how it feels. I think reversing a car is quite tricky. Easier going forward Robert but as you live in London the truth is that you are spoilt for transport without having to bother about keeping a car. I never had one when I lived in London, even though I had the use of one, I always prefered to walk and jump into one of the red buses.

Robert said...

Hi Victoria and Maria

Well, Evel Knievel got the best of both worlds - bike and bus!

I could take some lessons but you two have now convinced me that, while I would have a sense of freedom, life would speed up for me. If I die before I take my test, I will certainly fail it. So I'm not sure!