Friday, 29 October 2010

The ' new ' house

Moving to a new house involves getting rid of the old. All those things that you do not wish to carry with you into your new life. The first thing I'm going to get rid of will be all of Peter's extensive collection of Jack the ripper books, these have to go. There is no way that I'm taking that aggro to our new home. (for the exception of Stephen Powell's book) all the rest will be donated to Oxfam.

Ideally, I would like to put them in a bonfire on Guy's Day. Specially the Skinner, Lindler and Morris Hoax Diary. I think is bad luck to take whatever has caused you nothing but unpleasantness and getting rid of this collection will be for me a way to exorcise the demons out of my brand new life. The old clothes have now been neatly packed and are ready to go, then the rest is looking through drawers and ruthlessly throwing away whatever is no longer useful, taking as little as possible to our new home.

Work is advancing there and Peter and I have already chosen the new kitchen and bathroom and its so exciting to be finally able to see this project coming along after all the endless planning permissions from the council that involves having to go through in a listed and historical home as this one. Finally, the archeological excavations are also done and the house is shaping up nicely so by the spring we will be able to move to the prettiest market town I've ever seen. I can hardly wait.


Robert said...

Hi Maria

The end of a long road and you must be very relieved that you can at last move into your new home. Also, it's nice to see these old buildings being saved. God knows the stuff they put up nowadays isn't worth a second look.

If you haven't done so already, I advise you to take plenty of pics of your old home so you can look back at it later. We are only our past. The present is but a split second and the future doesn't exist.

Maria said...

Yes, lots of photos have been taken by the architect and the archeologist who have already produced a book with their findings, they have taken photos of the mediaval wooden beams excavated the area where we are now going to have our dinning room and the kitchen and the stables. They have also photographed the eleven different layers of wall paper until they got to the original stucco walls, these report is very detailed including the historical bit of who lived in the house through the ages. At one point it was the house of a doctor and what it used to be his surgery, we have now rented it to a hair dresser, so.. we are landlords. The stables will be our living-room. I'm not entirely satisfied that the council didn't allow us to have the medieval walls showing from the outside but instead they decided it had to be something that looks completely modern and with wood that is not that attractive, according to them to simulate the illusion of the stables! The trouble is..we are not horses. So I hate this look. At one point, I'm going to re-apply to the council to overturn the decision that was given, to something that will allow me to have the look that goes more in keeping with the rest of the house. Perhaps now that there are new people, they can see my point.

Maria said...

Oh Goody! Guy Fawkes day is upon us. I'm preparing the pyre to burn Peter's Jack the ripper books. This is really exciting because my husband once warned me that his books and his golf clubs were sacred and if I got rid of any of these two it would mean an automatic ground for instant divorce. I'm about to test it! Ha,ha. He must love me, still after 30 years because he has now agreed, providing I stop listening to malicious gossip from the JTR nutcase site. I have an excellent deal. Who wants to hear or know worthless drivel about me? Its been two years almost to the day since I stopped writing there and amazingly, even people who don't know me are dreaming about me. Another Mariab ( for bitch ) Funny isn't it? to have crazies obssesed about me. Maybe if she had more showers and kept herself clean and got herself a life she wouldn't have to spend so much of her time trawling over the years about what I wrote in the past. This is really crazy but then this Mariab (for bitch) is in fine company since at nutcasebook their latest latest members were: a child molester and also a serial killer. The Jack the ripper project was the worst thing Peter and I got involved in. So the books will be burned. Tickets are now available to watch the show.

Robert said...

Leave the golf clubs alone!

I'm puzzled about the council wanting the original look of the building covered up in favour of something more modern, but there you go. Maybe as you say you can get this overturned later on.

It's good that they photographed the house you're moving to, but also it's a good idea to have pics of the house you're leaving, so you can look back at them in years to come.

Maria said...

Yes, I agree there Robert, most puzzling! I really thought the whole idea of conservation was to stop people from destroying the historical features of a listed building in order to preserve the property as much as possible to the original era but this only shows me that the council people are simply busy bodies who do these things only to justify their own existence and to say: "no you cannot have that, this is what you can have" and to have a power over you. Mind you, the builders next door to our house didn't bother to submit any plans for permissions to do their work and so they broke all the rules but nothing has happened to them, in fact, they are now selling the house. That is a good idea too. Mind you, the television crew has taken photos of the house in every season now, so we only have to look at the Heir Hunter show episodes that have not been edited.

Robert said...

The strange thing is that, as I understand it, someone can own a listed building and simply let it fall down through neglect, and the law can't touch him. But as soon as an owner starts trying to do repairs, then a mountain of bureaucracy descends on him, telling him what he can and cannot do.

Maria said...

Robert, that's exactly right. Before we bought it, the bricks from our chimney were falling on to the shop next door, braking their roof tiles and there was nothing our neighbours could do, so they were quite delighted when we took over and had the chimney re-built, it was simply unsafe! and yes, it was a mountain of beaurocracy it took the council six months to reply whether they had accepted the plans or not and they only replied when we finally wrote them a letter saying.. as we haven't heard from you we are assuming everything with our plans are okay and we will proceed remodeling and building as is, shortly. But that was like putting the red flannel in front of a bull. They promptly answered the next day with a list of objections.
Typical isn't it?

Maria said...

Going back to the casebook Jack the ripper goons, I don't mind the banter but I don't have to stand an individual calling herself Maria B to hurl insults at me, when she doesn't even know me, she has never even corresponded with me, its crazy that this site is allowing her to continue with her diatribe against me, why should I put up with it? Bullying that's what it is. If nothing is being done to shut this woman up then I will most definitely sue the owners of that place in Orlando, Florida one Stephen Ryder and his shity wife. I have already consulted with lawyers and you know Robert how good we are with law-suits.

Maria said...

The ripper books have to go from my house. I want action. I want them either in a box to go to Oxfam or dump them in the bin. If nothing is being done tomorrow I will do it myself in which case, I will tore the pages and throw them in the fire place.

Maria said...

The golf clubs have been in my studio for 15 years and Peter has used them only once so.. I thought maybe these could 'disappear' during the move, ha,ha,ha but now Peter has agreed the golf clubs will live in his office at the new house, as I don't want them in my new studio over there. For the time being they can carry on living in my studio because if they have lived there for 15 years, it won't make any difference if they remain there for just a little longer until we move. I hope there aren't any more stumbling blocks like this one, when we are deciding what we dump and what we keep. I think these are the only two prickly items that we had, and a decision has now been arrived at. I'm ecstatic that the Jack the ripper books are finally going from our house for good, I will tap-dance over them before I throw them all in a cardboard box before they go to Oxfam.

Robert said...

Hi Maria

I shall be watching the HH series in future particularly closely, to see if I can spot golf clubs in the background of Peter's office.

Meanwhile, while they're in your studio, be careful when you do a picture - it wouldn't do to paint Hygeia with the snake, and a set of golf clubs in the background.

Maria said...

Robert, Hygia and the snake have ran into a controversy by the Christians I have received an e-mail telling me that the snake is the devil. Perhaps they would have been happier if instead of a snake I woould have painted a golf club! In any case, I'm not going to change my original idea. Its ridiculous! So Christians probably cannot see in a painting the scene of Adam and Eve because it has a snake in it. I think its discrimination against snakes.

Maria said...

About the Jack the ripper nutcase site. I see it now.. as a compliment to me, since it is exactly two years to the month since I left that ghastly place and amazingly they are still talking about me. If you think about it, I must have done an impression on those people and its a flattery in reverse for me that I must be unforgetable. Its either that, or they haven't got anything more exciting and interesting to talk amongst themselves since I left them. In which case, its still a compliment to me that their lives are rather dull and empty since my departure.

Robert said...

I suppose there must have been snakes in the lands where the bible was written. I don't suppose they had much experience of soldier ants or great white sharks, which are both arguably more lethal than snakes.

Maria said...

The story of Adam and Eve was written in Mesopotamia and this story also appears in the Koran. In fact the bible and the koran have exactly the same Old Testament.

Robert said...

I can't say I really go for the Bible. I liked the Book of Job, but it had a rotten ending.

Maria said...

It has interesting stories and I think a few authors got inspiration to write their books from these stories. Its Guy Fawkes tomorrow! there was a very good documentary on the T.V. with Lady Antonia Fraser I found it very interesting and informative.

Robert said...

Yes I must read her book on the Plot. It has been said that Guy Fawkes is the only man to have entered Parliament with the right intentions!

Maria said...

Oh that is so funny! Actually, inside the Palace of Westminster there is a painting where it depicts lots of people cheering as Parliament is burnt to the ground during a fire. The buildings we have now, are relatively new, they are Victorian and I love how the look of them.