Friday, 19 August 2011

I may have been discovered

Well, this has been an exciting couple of weeks for me. The town cryer asked me if I would lend a couple of my paintings for a show at their church, to raise money for repairs and one thing has led to another. Whilst the paintings were on show at the church, a gallery owner saw them and he has invited me to put them up for an exhibition he is having on the 27th of August. Later on, I learned that this gallery owner is extremely well connected with famous people like Zandra Rhodes ( the fashion designer and Rula Lenska the actress ) among some of his friends and that last year, David Hockney had exhibited at his gallery. Everyone in the art world knows who David Hockney is, as he appears in every contemporary history of art book. So, I suppose this is great news for me. I also learned that this gallery owner also has another gallery in London, so I hope that this leads to more exciting things. He came to visit me to my home last Saturday and told me to be prepared to meet famous people at the show opening on the 27th of this month and to bring the paintings on the 26th. I will try and take photos. I will keep you posted...

Saturday, 6 August 2011

Evil Racist Breivik

The enemy within. Billions are spent in wars abroad whilst the real danger resides in our midst as our own online bigots encouraged Breivik to carry out this massacre on its own people its about time that these racist bigots should be classed as terrorists. Is not enough to show contempt for these evil xenophobes, they have to be starved of excuses and of anecdotes, to stop them feeding their twisted bigotry to others by closing down their organizations and stop them from operating. Anyone with a modicum of biology would know that these people who fool themselves about inbred racial purity doesn't make biological or cultural sense, its only an ignorant delusion. Inbred racial purity in real terms only brings haemophilia, stunted growth, premature aging, stupidity and a much shorter span of life. It has been proven. They also cannot accept that as an enterprising, roaming and colonising nation, we are all a mongrel people with a mixture of Saxon, Viking, Celt, Roman, Greek, Norman, Arab, African, Indian etc. our blood is a cocktail. Racists fail to see that this is a source of strength and interest, not weakness and dilution. They don't know that the very language in which they rant, is a tapestry of borrowings from incomers, from the moment they drink their morning tea or coffee in pyjamas, to the last cup of cocoa under their duvet.The next thing we see, is one of the BNP chiefs Chris Hurst giving a Nazi salute crying: "Seig heil" to Breivik's heroine, a Swedish pop singer who goes by the name of Saga and who sang the Norwegian fiend's favourite songs at a rally in Hungary. Chris Hurst also spouted racist bile to an undercover reporter from the Sun who infiltrated the hate-filled festival attended by thousands of neo-Nazis from across Europe after the massacre in Norway. Chris Hurst, the far-right party's London Regional Secretary gave a chilling verdict on the massacre committed by the Norwegian madman Anders Breivik. He said: "Its good to fight back- but not by killing young white people"

Tuesday, 2 August 2011

Painting Shows

I have been working for two paintings exhibitions, one takes place on the seventh of Ausgust whilst the other one a solo exhibition is on the 10th and my kind friend Sue, is going to organize the nibbles, the wine and the invitations for the opening, I have managed to paint a small series of landscapes plus other paintings for the four walls of a room in my solo exhibition, which I'm hoping will do well. On top of that, I have a House Warming Party here at our home of which I'm organizing and looking forward to, plus my dear friend Marilyn and her daughter Ximena are coming to visit us later this month too, so August is going to be packed of fun and only fun for me. Then in September our friend Carlo is coming to visit us and we will also go and visit him in Florence so that is another exciting event to look forward to as well, then in November we are off to Gibraltar and we have already booked Christmas in a hotel in Oxford, so we pretty much, have got the rest of our year mapped out. As soon as I put on the finishing details of my last landscape, I will post it on the blog but now I must run !