Wednesday, 29 October 2008

Hello Victoria

I think that it would be a real good idea, to arrange and get myself to be invited to meet Prince Charles and you are quite right, I should do it before it is too late and the opportunity passes me by.

I also adore boots too, since I was in university in Spain, I wore blue-jeans, boots, a leather hand-bag to match the boots, a polo sweater and a fox fur coat and I felt dressed to go anywhere, from university to a restaurant. In Britain you cannot wear fur, when I do, I tell my friends its a good fake ! but the strange thing is, that they do not mind wearing leather shoes and hand-bags made out of leather, they eat meat, so I do not understand what is all the fuss about wearing a fox fur coat, its warm, its practical and it lasts for years and years.

No, I don't think your mother had a strange idea Victoria, since Prince Charles lived for a while in Australia and going by what you describe about your present life, she is right you would have been an ideal candidate. Prince Charles had a good Australian friend amongst his confidants who he nicknamed Kanga. She was married to a very wealthy man here in Britain from an aristocratic family and also Prince Michael of Kent is married to a lady whose mother is from Australia. Anyway, going back to Prince Charles confidant, she died in mysterious circumstances, shortly before she died, she said someone in the night had pushed her down an open window from where she was found, at a hospital she was staying at. There was no investigation done about the incident and all the letters that Prince Charles wrote to her that she kept in a special embroidered pauch behind her bed had disappeared, she told this to a journalist woman who was a friend of hers before she died of blood poisoning. It was all a very strange affair.

What is your favourite colour ?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Maria,
you certainly know some good stories .. I did not know that one either, about Charles and his confidante.
No, my mothers idea was strange .. she said to me that it is just as easy to fall in love with someone with money, as a poor one. And Charles was not my idea of 'tall, dark, and handsome'. As a twenty year old I certainly could not see that point .. especially as I was already in love with the poor one. Even now I don't think it is a good attitude, probably very practical though.
I have some divorced friends who would not even think about someone who didn't have the same amount of money as they did. Again practical, maybe .. but a bit sad.

Favourite colour .. I would have to say purple .. I love it also.
I don't wear a lot of it, but I use it a lot in other things.
I love great shades of blue .. from electric blue to navy blue.
But black I love to wear, I am trying to be careful though and not buy so much black, I look in my wardrobe and there are so many black things .. people might start talking about me .. thinking I'm a goth or something. My brother sometimes calls me Morticia .. from 'The Addams Family', you may not know the show .. about 60's-70's, comedy spooky American tv show.
She was the wife, always wore black.