Wednesday, 22 October 2008

Yes, this is true. The projects have to mature in your mind before you commit the brush to paint and that is done by doing sketches first, in very rare occasions, the whole idea comes like a flash, all finished to the last detail, a vision if you like and you must try to paint it as quickly as possible before the whole idea vanishes into thin air, never to return again. When you grab it and succeed, its a bit like catching a bird in mid-air, it is a wonderful feeling.

Robert I finally got a letter from Nick Clegg's office this morning, first they thank me for my email to them and after saying that my comments have been well noted. It goes to say: ' The government have invested substancial public money in major U.K. banks, as you note, and have guaranteed interbank lending. This is critical for the day-to-day functioning of the economy; small businesses, for instance, depend on the availability of credit. Similarly, banks need to be able to lend to each other ( generally overnight) for day-to-day transactions to function properly. By guaranteeing loans between banks, the government hopes to unfreeze the credit markets; the evidence so far is that, to a limited extent at least, this may be happening '

Its hardly justifies the billions they have commited, considering what the last sentence above says , does it ?

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