Thursday, 20 November 2008

Robert, I suppose it may be surreal in the sense that I was day dreaming when I painted this picture, these are the red and lilac clouds you see in the tropical sunsets, mixed with the rural scenes we normally see in Wales. But it is not a dream like the Dali paintings are, where a bone is near a an egg yolk or things are in a puzzling way.

These are colours which exist in different countries, so it gives you a dreamy quality, but I am sure, if my Welsh neighbour saw this picture she would say: " The grass is not green, so its not Wales " and she would be right, it is not Wales, its somewhere in my imagination, or shall we say in my dreams as you put it. I like that green colour as a sky, so I put it there, only because I like it, regardless if it exists or not in nature, and it worked with the rest of the mood of the picture. The strangeness of the unrealistic colours, also lends a mystery to the picture giving it an unusual significance to an every day scene.

1 comment:

Robert said...

Hola Maria

Well, it doesn't matter if it isn't an actual scene, as the imagination is just as good. In fact didn't Blake say that the imagination is superior?

PS I think you mixed me up with Victoria.

Hi Victoria

Well, I'm learning about art on this Blog, so maybe I could converse about art at a Christmas party, once the Quality Street chocolates have been opened, of course!
