Saturday, 22 November 2008

William Blake

Yes, Robert William Blake the visionary and prophetic poet and artist proclaimed:

" The man who raises himself above all is the artist; the prophet is he who is gifted with imagination "

William Blake was a pupil to the Swiss born Henry Fuseli, who after settling in England, transformed the graceful and peaceful scenes of reassuring pastoral tranquility to paintings of raging living organisms like earthquakes, hurricanes and terrifying fires. He transformed the graceful symbolic fauna of Neoclassicism, such as butterflies and horses into strange, ambiguous monsters of the imagination. The dream, with all its irrational implications, became the realm of fantasy of disturbing terryfing images, and erotic temptations. Figures became less heavy and more inmaterial, less concreate and defined, in contrast to the precision of Neoclassicism. Figures no longer portrayed beauty, but were moulded by the energies of the human soul, sometimes distorted or uneasy, often disorderly and impulsive. Artists acquired a new responsibility, almost as the re-creators of a lost paradise, imparting a divine message that could only be revealed through the medium of art.

Victoria, Robert I do not know if you have ever seen Goya's painting: ' The Sleep Of Reason Produces Monsters ' which is an allegory of the irracional fears that lie behind rational thought.
or Henry Fuseli's : ' The Nightmare ' is an enigmatic image that transcends reason.


Robert said...

Hola Maria

I've looked up those pictures you mentioned. Yes, romanticism was a reaction to the Enlightenment which in turn was a reaction to superstition and prejudice. And so the merry-go-round continues!


Anonymous said...

Hello Maria, Robert,
yes I too looked up the paintings as I didn't know of them.
I took the meaning of Goya's 'The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters' to be along the lines of .. say losing oneself in irrational thought/fears, using no reason to 'balance' oneself, reason being asleep as such. Then going with that flow of irrational thought then leads to 'obsession' .. hence the Monsters.

I always felt that art shows the mind of the artist .. his inner world is somehow portrayed, it is obvious in some artists say their distorted paintings show their distorted outlooks on life .. which we can read about. Brett Whitely just popped into my mind .. maybe you don't know of him.
Anyway from the wise William Blake,
"As a man is, so he sees, as the eye is formed, such are its powers".
and ..
"The man who never in his mind and thoughts travelled to heaven, is no artist".

Robert, Quality street chocs are really an English thing are they not? My family always had them at xmas and I think it was just because of that tradition.
I am a rebel .. well, I don't really think much of Quality st, so on my xmas menu you will find no Quality st .. only Lindt and Italian Baci, my mostly English guests will just have to suffer!
ho ho ho
I agree with you "And so the merry-go-round continues!"
There is is much truth in that ..
same as, "There is nothing new under the Sun".